

    E-commerce is one of the most important sectors of the economy, with an expected global turnover of USD 7.4 trillion in 2024. Leading companies in the industry like Amazon and Alibaba leverage platform business models that orchestrate complex ecosystems of buyers and sellers. These ecosystems are characterized by globally intertwined networks of independent participants and multifaceted interactions, making their development hard to predict. We propose an agent-based simulation approach, following the three-step process of Haki et al. (2020), to predict the behavior of e-commerce ecosystems with a particular focus on the impact of premium subscription services. Simulation models offer the opportunity to tangibly visualize the effects of a participant's actions on the ecosystem level. Our simulation includes the key actors (i.e., buyer, seller, marketplace), their characteristics, and behaviors to draw conclusions about the evolution of the ecosystem and the strategic role of premium memberships in shaping these digital landscapes.

  • Banh, Leonardo: Tourism in the Era of Internet of Things: Design Principles for Smart Tourism; 19. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, 17.09.2024, Würzburg, Germany. Tourism in the Era of Internet of Things: Design Principles for Smart TourismDetails

    The tourism industry plays a crucial role in many countries and has suffered under the global events of the last years (e.g., COVID-19, economic recession) with a decline in visitors and economic contributions. Through digitalization efforts of cities and states, smart tourism destinations use emerging technologies like the Internet of Things and Smart Services to provide rich on-site experiences for visitors, hoping to increase their competitiveness and attract new tourists. By conducting a design science research project in collaboration with a German municipality, this paper aims to explore how digital assistants should be designed in the context of smart tourism. Based on expert interviews and a multi-case study of 37 tourism apps, we were able to develop twelve key design principles for smart tourism applications, evaluated through a prototypical instantiation, to create design knowledge for the digitalization of tourism.

  • Strauss, Christina; Harr, Michael; Schütte, Reinhard; Wimmer, Simon: "Hey Siri, Don't Make Me Mad" - Overcoming User Annoyances with Voice Assistants; European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 18.06.2024, Paphos, Cyprus. PDF"Hey Siri, Don't Make Me Mad" - Overcomming User Annoyances With Voice AssistantsDetails
    "Hey Siri, Don't Make Me Mad" - Overcoming User Annoyances with Voice Assistants

    This study examines the effects of integrating a technically advanced and more human-like large language model into a voice assistant to assess, how technical advancements mitigate user annoyances. Therefore, a generative pre-trained transformer was integrated into Siri and made available to 23 interview participants. Preliminary results reveal a decrease in user-reported annoyances, showing that the integration not only improves technical accuracy but also enhances the perceived humanness of interactions. However, subsequent interviews indicated that the distinction between the effects of technical advancements and the infusion of humanness emerged as critical, indicating a complex interplay between these factors. It is therefore planned to differentiate between technical and human improvements in the further development of this article. The results contribute to the discourse on optimizing voice assistants by pinpointing the reduction of user annoyances as a pivotal factor in improving user experience, suggesting pathways for future enhancements in voice assistant platforms.

    This study examines the effects of integrating a technically advanced and more human-like large language model into a voice assistant to assess, how technical advancements mitigate user annoyances. Therefore, a generative pre-trained transformer was integrated into Siri and made available to 23 interview participants. Preliminary results reveal a decrease in user-reported annoyances, showing that the integration not only improves technical accuracy but also enhances the perceived humanness of interactions. However, subsequent interviews indicated that the distinction between the effects of technical advancements and the infusion of humanness emerged as critical, indicating a complex interplay between these factors. It is therefore planned to differentiate between technical and human improvements in the further development of this article. The results contribute to the discourse on optimizing voice assistants by pinpointing the reduction of user annoyances as a pivotal factor in improving user experience, suggesting pathways for future enhancements in voice assistant platforms.

  • Harr, Michael; Seufert, Sarah: Selecting appropriate process models for IT-Projects: Towards a tool-assisted decision approach; Wirtschaftsinformatik Conference (2023), 21.09.2023, Paderborn. PDFSelecting appropriate process models for IT projects: Towards a tool-supported decision approachDetails
    Selecting appropriate process models for IT-Projects: Towards a tool-assisted decision approach
  • Banh, Leonardo: The Sound of Progress: Investigating the Representation of Artificial Intelligence in Music; 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, 19.09.2023, Paderborn, Germany. The Sound of Progress: Investigating the Representation of Artificial Intelligence in MusicDetails

    The role of artificial intelligence in daily life is constantly advancing and has become an important topic of discussion. With music and its lyrics being a vehicle to express topics of society, this paper investigates how artificial intelligence is perceived by musicians and reflected in their songs. By analyzing the lyrics of over 1,200 songs over three decades, this work applies sentiment analysis to extract polarities and emotions. The results provide insights into how musicians view and reflect the impact of artificial intelligence on society and how this is reflected in their song texts. The findings show an increase in songs mentioning artificial intelligence-related terms, with a trend of more songs implying negativity, such as anger. However, minor increases in positive emotions indicate musicians' ambivalent views on hopes and fear of artificial intelligence.

  • Wulfert, T.; Woroch, R.; Strobel, G.; Schoormann, T.; Banh, L.: Unboxing the Role of E-Commerce Ecosystems to Address Grand Challenges; 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023), 14.06.2023, Kristiansand, Norway. UNBOXING THE ROLE OF E-COMMERCE ECOSYSTEMS TO ADDRESS GRAND CHALLENGESDetails
  • Woroch, Robert: Four Shades of Customer: How Value Flows in Fintech Ecosystems; International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2022, 14.12.2022, Copenhagen, Denmark. Four Shades of Customer: How Value Flows in Fintech EcosystemsDetails

    The financial sector is undergoing a massive transformation, with new technology-driven players challenging established mechanisms and transforming the sector into a fast-moving market. With the gradual transition from a scale economy to a platform-driven network economy, enterprise networks are gaining strategic importance. Despite the growing interest in fintech’s, research has so far lacked a conceptualization of value creation in fintech ecosystems. Therefore, this research paper aims to analyze key players, value creation activities, and value streams based on the analysis of the business models of payment services, personal financial management, robo-advisory, peer-to-peer lending, trading, and cryptocurrency. We present a holistic value network for the fintech ecosystem based on structured literature review and analysis of 171 fintech companies. We were able to show that fintech platform orchestrates multiple market sides and that customers take four distinct roles at the center of the ecosystem when using fintech services.

  • Laufer, Jan: Automatic online quantification and prioritization of data protection risks; FoMSESS-Jahrestreffen, 05.10.2022, Virtual. Automatic online quantification and prioritization of data protection risksDetails
  • Laufer, Jan: Automatic online quantification and prioritization of data protection risks; 17th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, 24.08.2022, Vienna, Austria. Automatic online quantification and prioritization of data protection risksDetails
  • Wulfert, T.; Karger, E.: Shaping Digital Platforms in E-Commerce: Developing an Architecture Framework; 26th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2022), 07.07.2022, Virtual. Shaping Digital Platforms in E-Commerce: Developing an Architecture FrameworkDetails
  • Wulfert, T.: Introduction to the Session on Electronic Business; 26th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2022), 07.07.2022, Virtual. Details
  • Wulfert, T.; Busch, J.: Reference Architectures Facilitating a Retailer’s Dual Role on Digital Marketplaces: A Literature Review; 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS2022), 26.04.2022, Virtual. Reference Architectures Facilitating a Retailer’s Dual Role on Digital Marketplaces: A Literature ReviewDetails
  • Woroch, Robert: Show me the Money: How to monetize data in data-driven business models?; 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI22), 22.02.2022, Nürnberg, Germany (Virtual). Show me the Money: How to monetize data in data-driven business models?Details

    Increasing digitization and the associated tremendous usage of technology have led to data of unprecedented quantity, variety, and speed, which is generated, processed, and required in almost all areas of industry and life. The value creation and capturing from data presents companies with numerous challenges, as they must create or adapt appropriate structures and processes. As a link between corporate strategy and business processes, business models are a suitable instrument for meeting these challenges. However, few research has been conducted focusing on data-based monetization in the context of data-driven business models so far. Based on a systematic literature review the paper identifies five key components and 23 characteristics of data-driven business models having crucial influence on data-based value creation and value capturing and thus on monetization. The components represent key factors for achieving commercial benefits from data and serve as guidance for exploring and designing suitable data-driven business models.

  • Laufer, Jan: Modelling Data Protection in Fog Computing Systems using UMLsec and SysML-Sec; 13th System Analysis and Modelling Conference, 11.10.2021, Virtual. Modelling Data Protection in Fog Computing Systems using UMLsec and SysML-SecDetails
  • Woroch, Robert: Understanding Value Creation in Digital Companies – A Taxonomy of IoT-enabled Business Models; 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021), 14.06.2021, A Virtual AIS Conference. Understanding Value Creation in Digital Companies – A Taxonomy of IoT-enabled Business ModelsDetails

    The spread of the Internet of Things offers companies the potential to exert a disruptive influence on existing market structures and entire domains. The shift from product to service orientation and the integration of the customer as a value co-creator makes the identification and development of value-adding, IoT-based offerings a central challenge. As a link between strategy and business processes, business models are a suitable tool to meet this challenge. However, present business models lack of consideration of IoT specific characteristics. Against this background we provide a taxonomy for the description of IoT-based business models based on systematic literature research. Furthermore, the taxonomy is applied to 103 business models, demonstrating its usefulness. We also provide insights into the design of business models within two domains. The taxonomy provides a tool for investigating busi-ness models, especially how IoT can be incorporated into them and also a conceptual basis for future research.

  • Wulfert, T.; Schütte, R.: Retailer’s Dual Role in Digital Marketplaces: Towards Architectural Patterns for Retail Information Systems; 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021), 27.04.2021, Virtual. Retailer’s Dual Role in Digital Marketplaces: Towards Architectural Patterns for Retail Information SystemsDetails
  • Strobel, Gero: Health in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Domain-Specific Modelling Language; 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 07.01.2021, Hawaii, USA (Virtuell) . Health in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Domain-Specific Modelling LanguageDetails
  • Wulfert, T.; Seufert, S.; Leyens, C.: Developing Multi-Sided Markets in Dynamic Electronic Commerce Ecosystems - Towards a Taxonomy of Digital Marketplaces; 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2021), 07.01.2021, Virtual. Developing Multi-Sided Markets in Dynamic Electronic Commerce Ecosystems - Towards a Taxonomy of Digital Marketplaces.Details
  • Schauer, Carola: Mit Geschäftsprozessmodellen Digitalisierung neu denken; Fortbildung für Informatiklehrkräfte des Lehrstuhls Didaktik der Informatik der UDE, 17.11.2020, Zoom. Details

    Nachhaltige digitale Innovationen in Unternehmen setzen die Fähigkeit voraus, die vordergründige Realität zunächst gedanklich zu überwinden. Geschäftsprozessmodelle haben sich diesbzgl. in Forschung und Praxis als geeignetes Hilfsmittel bewährt. Sie bieten Sprachkonzepte verbunden mit einer Visualisierung von Abläufen in Organisationen und sind geeignet, um zwischen den verschiedenen Interessengruppen in großen Softwareprojekten zu vermitteln.
    Diverse Ergebnisse der Wirtschaftsinformatikforschung im Bereich der Geschäftsprozesse haben die Praxis der Softwareentwicklung nachhaltig geprägt. Geschäftsprozessmodelle dienen bspw. als Grundlage zur Anpassung betrieblicher Standard-Anwendungssoftware (ERP-Systeme). Es gibt verschiedene Geschäftsprozessmodellierungssprachen (u.a. EPKs, BPMN), die weltweit in Projekten zur Reorganisation und Anpassung bzw. Neuentwicklung von Informationssystemen in Unternehmen eingesetzt werden.
    Dieser Fortbildungsworkshop ist im ersten Teil darauf gerichtet, einen Überblick über das Konzept der Geschäftsprozessmodelle zu geben. Dafür werden die grundlegenden Begriffe erläutert, BPMN als exemplarische Modellierungssprache eingeführt und aktuelle Forschungsfragen aufgezeigt. Im zweiten Teil wird erarbeitet, wie Geschäftsprozessmodelle auch im Unterricht dafür eingesetzt werden können, um (1) einen Diskurs bzgl. der Möglichkeiten und Implikationen von Digitalisierungsmaßnahmen anzuregen und (2) als Gestaltungswerkzeug zu dienen und mit ihrer Hilfe Anforderungen an eine Software in frühen Projektphasen zu konkretisieren und zu kommunizieren. Die hierin verwendeten Beispiele basieren auf Unterrichtserfahrungen in der Sek. II. 

  • Strobel, Gero: Health in the Era of the Internet of Things – A Smart Health Information System Architecture; 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 22.06.2020, Dubai, UAE - Virtual. Details
  • Brogt, Tobias; Strobel, Gero: Service Systems in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Smart Service System Taxonomy.; 28th European Conference on Information Systems, 17.06.2020, Marrakesh, Morocco - Virtual. Details
  • Strobel, Gero: Agriculture in the Era of the Internet of Things: An Information System Architecture for Smart Agriculture; 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 15.06.2020, Marrakesh, Morocco - Virtual. Details

    Food has been a fundamental human need since the beginning of time. Agriculture, as the central foundation of global food production, is increasingly coming under pressure from the growing world population. Even today, it ́s no longer possible to guarantee sufficient food security in the long term and 10% of humanity goes to bed hungry every night. Given the expected increase in the world’s population based on today’s figures and an associated more than 70% necessary increase in food sector production, the question arises whether this is feasible using classical methods and approaches. The use of modern information and communication technology alone is certainly not a panacea. Despite all this, technologies, such as the Internet of Things, show great potential for the development of more productive and cost-effective but, above all, more sustainable agriculture. However, developing such a solution requires more than a purely technical point of view. Only by creating a holistic information technology solution that takes not only a technological but also a plant, animal, human and therefore holistic perspective can real progress be made. Against this background, this paper represents the publication of a generic information system architecture based on a systematic literature-driven explorative analysis of the domain.

  • Schütte, R.: IoT im Handel; Vortrag vor dem Wissenschaftliche Beirat der Software AG, 14.05.2020, Darmstadt. Details
  • Strobel, Gero: Farming in the Era of Internet of Things - An information system architecture for smart farming; Internationale Tagung der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 09.03.2020, Potsdam. Details

    The Internet of Things and associated smart products are finding application in evermore domains. Within agriculture it is described under the term smart farming. Using smart products allows farmers to automatically record relevant information, monitor operating procedures or remotely control machines. To make these capabilities usable for added value, not only smart products but entire information systems that align to the domain and its requirements are necessary. Within the literature, various architectures can be found already. However, many lack a methodical foundation or an abstraction of application cases and technology. Against this background, the article presents an information system architecture independent of application cases or technology and oriented toward the domain of smart farming. Starting point of the development is a systematic literature review, based on Webster and Watson in combination with Vom Brocke, based on 18 existing architecture approaches that are analyzed and aggregated.

  • Schütte, R.: Digitale Transformation verändert den Handel; Ringvorlesung des Wintersemesters 2019/20 , 30.01.2020, WWU Münster. Details

    Die digitale Transformation bezeichnet einen kontinuierlichen Veränderungsprozess, der nicht nur für Unternehmen, sondern für die gesamte Gesellschaft mit Chancen und Herausforderungen einhergeht. Die Basis dieser Transformation bilden digitale Technologien, die in einer immer schneller werdenden Folge entwickelt werden und ihrerseits den Weg für neue Technologien ebnen. In der Ringvorlesung des Wintersemesters 2019/20 begrüßt die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät der WWU drei renommierte Referenten, um mit ihnen ein Schlaglicht auf die digitale Transformation der Gesellschaft – ihre Triebkräfte und Implikationen – zu werfen. 

  • Brogt, Tobias; Strobel, Gero: Identifying Quality Factors for Self-Tracking Solutions: A Systematic Literature Review; 53nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 07.01.2020, Hawaii, USA. Details

    Self-tracking solutions have become globally widespread, as they promise numerous advantages (e.g. improving health) to their users. Despite their benefits, such solutions are often abandoned due to quality issues. This phenomenon can also be observed for digitized products in general. As self-tracking solutions are hybrid products, combining digital and physical components, traditional domain-independent and abstract quality models like the prominent ISO 25000 standard seem to not cover quality in an appropriate way. We address these issues by answering the research question of which factors affect quality perceptions of different stakeholder groups when interacting in a wearable ecosystem. We use a systematic literature review based on a research protocol to identify and analyze 98 quality-influencing factors from 19 studies that we cluster in a map. The identified factors are compared to the ISO 25000 standard, showing that certain factors like hedonic motivation are unconsidered thoroughly in the existing standard.

  • Schütte, R.; Seufert, S.; Wulfert, S.: Das Wertbeitragscontrolling als Anreicherung bestehender Vorgehensmodelle des Software Engineering; PVM 2019: Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle, 25.10.2019, Lörrach. Details

    Häufig in der Praxis genutzte Vorgehensmodelle des Software Engineering fokussieren zwar die Erfüllung der Zeit-, Budget- und inhaltlichen Anforderungen, vernachlässigen aber die angestrebten Wertbeiträge der IT-Investition. Somit werden die eigentlichen Wirkungen der Informationssysteme häufig weder für die ex-ante zu treffende Investitionsentscheidung berücksichtigt, wo sie methodisch nur schwer zu identifizieren und quantifizieren sind, noch konsequent über den gesamten Projektverlauf überwacht. Angesichts der vielfältigen methodischen Probleme, denen sich die Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse von IT-Systemen ausgesetzt sieht, wird ein holistisches Vorgehen vorgestellt, das die Identifikation von Wirkungen bei einem spezifischen IT-Investitionsvorhaben, die Bewertung der Wirkungen, die Abstimmung in einer Organisation über diese Bewertung und die Realisierung der Wirkungen umfasst. Dieser Prozess wird als Wertbeitragscontrolling bezeichnet und sollte in einem Unternehmen nicht isoliert als Teilbereich des Unternehmenscontrolling etabliert werden, sondern ist vor allem im Rahmen von IT-Projekten von Bedeutung. Denn die Anreicherung von Vorgehensmodellen um Wertbeitragsrealisierungsüberlegungen ist die Voraussetzung, um ITProjekte wirtschaftlich erfolgreich umzusetzen.

  • Strobel, Gero: UNDERSTANDING SERVICES IN THE ERA OF THE INTERNET OF THINGS: A SMART SERVICE TAXONOMY; 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 12.06.2019, Stockholm, Schweden. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Digitalisierung – ein Zwischenstand; Vortrag im Rahmen des Digitalisierungscouncils der WI der UDE, 16.05.2019, Essen. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Verbraucherinformationssysteme; Vortrag im Rahmen eines Verbraucherpolitischen Forums, 09.05.2019, Bonn. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Modellierung von Informationssystemen – Reflektionen von 25 Jahren Informations- und Unternehmensmodellierung; Vortrag im Rahmen eines DFG Schwerpunktprogramms, 09.05.2019, Münster. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Startups und Mittelstand; Podiumsdiskussion auf dem IT-Gipfel des BMWi, 09.05.2019, Dortmund. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Mechanismen des Vergessens als Anpassungsleistungen von Organisationen an eine Umwelt stetig wachsender Informationsmengen.; Arbeitstagung des DFG SPP 1921: Intentional Forgetting in Organisationen, 28.03.2019, Münster. Details
  • Weber, F.; Schütte, R.: Digital Technologies for Pricing Problems - A case study on increasing the level of digitization at a leading German retail company; The 10th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics, 15.03.2019, Orlando, Florida, USA. Details
  • Weber, F.: Streaming Analytics for Real-Time Customer Sentiment Determination and Reporting for Brick-and-Mortar Retailers; 2018 CMU Conference on Digital Marketing and Machine Learning, 09.12.2018, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Details
  • Frank, Ulrich: Toward a Unified Conception of Multi-Level Modelling - Advanced Requirements; MULTI 2018, 16.10.2018, Kopenhagen, Dänemark. Details
  • Kaczmarek-Heß, Monika; Nolte, Mario; Fritsch, Andreas; Betz, Stefanie: Practical Experiences with Multi-Level Modeling using FMMLx - A Hierarchy of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages in Support of Life-Cycle Assessment; MULTI 2018, 16.10.2018, Kopenhagen, Dänemark. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: Multi-Level Modeling with XML; MULTI 2018, 16.10.2018, Kopenhagen, Dänemark. Details
  • Töpel, Daniel: A Perspective Based Level Addressing System for Unbalanced Meta Models; MULTI 2018, 16.10.2018, Kopenhagen, Dänemark. Details
  • Frank, Ulrich; Clark, Tony: A Contribution to the MULTI Challenge Using the FMMLx; MULTI 2018, 16.10.2018, Kopenhagen, Dänemark. Details
  • Ulrich, Frank: 17th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research (BIR 2018); 24.09.2018, Stockholm, Schweden . Details
  • Schütte, R.: Digital Transformation – understand before investing; SAP CIS Event, 14.09.2018, Moskau. Details
  • Bock, Alexander: Towards More Expressive Problem Structuring: A Theoretical Conceptualization of 'Problem' in the Context of Enterprise Modeling; 20th IEEE Conference on Business informatics (CBI 2018), 11.07.2018, Wien, Österreich. Details
  • Weber, F.: Einsatz von Big-Data-Technologie zur Optimierung des Preismanagements im Einzelhandel; TDWI Konferenz, 26.06.2018, München. Details
  • Brogt, Tobias; Strobel, Gero: Can Self-Tracking Solutions Help with Understanding Quality of Smart, Connected Products?; 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 26.06.2018, Portsmouth, England. Details
  • Bock, Alexander; De Kinderen, Sybren; Kaczmarek-Heß, Monika: 23rd International Conference on Exploring Modelling Methods for Systems Analysis and Development (EMMSAD 2018). Held at CAiSE 2018 (EMMSAD 2018); 11.06.2018, Tallinn, Estland. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Digitaler Wandel ist mehr als eine Plattform; Vortrag auf dem Unternehmerforum der Agravis eG, 17.05.2018. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Plattformen zwischen Produkt-, Softwareprodukt- und industrieökonomischen Perspektiven; Vortrag vor dem Wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Software AG, 17.05.2018, Darmstadt. Details
  • Kenning, P.; Schütte, R.: Marktforschung in Zeiten der Digitalisierung; Gemeinsamer Vortrag der Professoren Kenning und Schütte bei der ECE, 17.05.2018, Hamburg. Details
  • Nissen, A.: Assessing the Emotional Part of User Experience - Potential of Affective Computing Methods; Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018, 07.03.2018, Leuphana, Lüneburg. Details
  • Kaczmarek-Heß, Monika: A Multilevel Model of Pharmaceuticals; Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2018), 06.03.2018, Lüneburg, Germany . Details
  • Frank, Ulrich: 5th International Conferences on Software Engineering & Computer Systems (ICSECS); 20.11.2017, Langkawi, Malaysia . Details
  • Frank, Ulrich: Antragstellung bei der DFG; WI-Nachwuchstreffen 2017, 06.10.2017, Bremen, Deutschland. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: 4th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling (MULTI 2017); 17.09.2017, Austin, USA . Details
  • Brogt, Tobias: The Role of Quality in Sociotechnical Systems ; 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 10.08.2017, Boston. USA. Details
  • Kaczmarek-Heß, Monika: 19th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI2017); 24.07.2017, Thessaloniki, Griechenland. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Digitalisierung ist nicht planbar – Welche Strategie hilft ?; Vortrag im Rahmen des Forums Businessunusual, 18.05.2017, Münster. Details
  • Frank, Ulrich: Forschungsförderung durch die DFG; 13. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2017), 12.02.2017, St. Gallen, Schweiz. Details
  • Frank, Ulrich: Designing Models and Dashboard Systems for IT Management. Prospects of Multilevel Modeling and Software Development; Innovations in Software Engineering Conference (ISEC 2017), 05.02.2017, Jaipur, Indien. Details
  • Frank, Ulrich: Designing Models and Systems to Support IT Management: A Case for Multilevel Modeling; Workshop Multi 2016 - within Models 2016, 02.10.2016, Saint-Malo, Frankreich. Details
  • Frank, Ulrich: Multi-Perspective Enterprise Modelling and Future Enterprise Systems; 6th International Conference on Model and Data Engineering (MEDI 2016), 21.09.2016, Almeria, Spanien. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: Business Process Management (BPM 2016); 18.09.2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: 18th IEEE Conference on Business informatics (CBI 2016); 29.08.2016, Paris, Frankreich. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: Human Computer Interaction International (HCII 2016); 17.07.2016, Toronto, USA. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE’16); 13.06.2016, Ljubljana, Slowenien. Details
  • Bock, Alexander: 21st International Conference, Evaluation and Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Design 2016, Held at CAiSE 2016 (EMMSAD 2016); 13.06.2016, Ljubljana, Slowenien. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: Automatic Recommendations for Data Visualizations based on Gestalt Patterns; Forschungskolloquium Modellierung 2016, 19.05.2016, Konstanz, Deutschland. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: 17th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2015); 22.09.2015, Adelaide, Australien. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: Business Process Management (BPM 2015); 31.08.2015, Innsbruck, Deutschland. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Die IT von Handelsunternehmen in einer digitalisierten Welt; HIS-Tagung der Universität Münster, 11.06.2015, Münster. Details
  • Frank, Ulrich; Gulden, Jens: Enterprise Modelling; 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering 2015 (CAISE'15), 08.06.2015, Stockholm, Schweden. Details
  • Frank, Ulrich: Self-Referential Enterprise Systems - An Orientation for Future ERP-Systems; Modeling Symposium (ModSym) at the Indian Software Engineering Conference (ISEC), 18.02.2015, Bangalore, Indien. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: Towards a generalized notion of audio as part of the concrete syntax of business process modeling languages; International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Process Visualization (TaProViz'14), 08.09.2014, Eindhoven, Niederlande. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: Business Process Modeling (BPM 2014); 07.09.2014, Eindhoven, Niederlande. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: Business Process Management (BPM 2014); 07.09.2014, Eindhoven, Niederlande. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: The Enterprise Model Analysis Workshop at EDOC 2014 (EDOC 2014); 02.09.2014, Ulm, Deutschland. Details
  • Heß, Michael: On the Requirements Analysis Process for Domain-Specific Languages in the Realm of Multi-Perspective Hospital Modelling; 2014 IEEE 1st International Workshop on the Interrelations between Requirements Engineering and Business Process Management (REBPM) – held in conjunction with Requirements Engineering 2014 (RE 2014) (REBPM'14), 25.08.2014, Karlskrona, Schweden. Details
  • Heß, Michael: On the Requirements Analysis Process for Domain-Specific Languages in the Realm of Multi-Perspective Hospital Modelling; 2014 IEEE 1st International Workshop on the Interrelations between Requirements Engineering and Business Process Management (REBPM) – held in conjunction with Requirements Engineering 2014 (RE 2014) (REBPM'14), 25.08.2014, Karlskrona, Schweden. Details
  • Frank, Ulrich: th International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD); 24.06.2014, Luxemburg, Luxemburg. Details
  • Schütte, R.: "BPM-Großprojekte managen"; Interview BISE Journal, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Westfälische Wilhems-Universität Münster, 07.05.2014, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11576-014-0421-7. Details
  • Frank, Ulrich: 4th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (EEWC 2014); 06.05.2014, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. Details
  • Schütte, R.: „Welche strategischen Optionen gibt es für Industrie- und Handelsunternehmen im zunehmenden Wettbewerb zwischen „Marke“ und „Eigenmarke“? "; Vortrag, Tessiner Innovationstage, 05.04.2014, http://www.tessiner-innovationstage.de. Details
  • Heß, Michael: Konzeption eines Bezugsrahmens zur Analyse und Entwicklung von Geschäftsmodellen mobiler Gesundheitsdienstleistungen; Dienstleistungsmodellierung 2014. 4. Workshop im Rahmen der Tagung Modellierung 2014 (DLM2014), 19.03.2014, Wien, Österreich. Details
  • Schütte, R.: „Hat die Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Zeiten der Digitalisierung noch eine Zukunft?“; Interview in Daily, Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen, 14.01.2014, http://www.zu-daily.de/daily/tiefenbohrung/2013/schuette-betriebswirtschaftslehre-und-digitalisierung.php. Details
  • Carola Schauer, Hanno Schauer: Softwareprojekte im Informatikunterricht; Fortbildung am pädagogischen Landesinstitut, 28.10.2013, Speyer. Details

    Softwareprojekte sind die Kür der Programmierung/Algorithmik und vertiefen gleichzeitig wertvolle Sekundärkompetenzen. Schülersoftwareprojekte bergen aber auch deutliche Risiken des Verzugs, der Unproduktivität, sogar des Scheiterns. Sie stellen somit hohe Herausforderungen an die „Managementkompetenz“ der Lehrkraft. Die Fortbildung „Softwareprojekte im Informatikunterricht“ behandelt - auch mit Blick auf diese Herausforderungen - die folgenden drei Aspekte:
    1) Grundlagen der Softwaretechnik und des Softwareprojektmanagements werden unterrichtsnah vermittelt und in praktischen Übungen vertieft. Die Inhalte orientieren sich am Themenbereich "Software-Entwicklung" des Lehrplans.
    2) Softwareprojekt-Ideen, die im Unterricht erfolgreich getestet wurden, werden vorgestellt.
    3) Am konkreten Beispiel der Projektideen werden Handlungsoptionen für den Lehrer besprochen und diskutiert. Hierbei wird auch aufgezeigt, wie Projekte in gestaffelten Schwierigkeiten an unterschiedlichen Stellen in den Unterricht integriert werden können.
    Die Veranstaltung setzt schulübliche Kenntnisse in objektorientierter Programmierung in Delphi oder in Java voraus. Ein Verständnis von UML Klassendiagrammen ist wünschenswert, kann aber bei Bedarf auch aufgefrischt werden.

  • Frank, Ulrich: Towards a Modelling Method in Support of Evaluating Information Systems Integration; 5th International Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA 2013), 05.09.2013, St.Gallen, Schweiz. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: Explication of Termination Semantics as a Security-Relevant Feature in Business Process Modeling Languages; 2nd Int. Workshop on Security in Business Processes (SBP'13), 26.08.2013, Peking, China. Details
  • Schwittek, Widura: A study on third party component reuse in Java enterprise open source software; 2013 ACM Sigsoft symposium on Component-based software engineering, 18.06.2013, Vancouver, Kanada. Details
  • Heß, Michael: Towards a domain-specific method for Multi-Perspective Hospital Modelling – Motivation and Requirements; Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies 2013 conference (DESRIST 2013), 11.06.2013, Helsinki, Finnland. Details
  • Kattenstroth, Heiko: DSMLs for Enterprise Architecture Management - Review of Selected Approaches; The 12th Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM'12), 22.10.2012, Tucson, USA. Details
  • Goldstein, Anat: Augmented Enterprise Models as a Foundation for Generating Security-Related Software: Requirements and Prospects; Model-Driven Security Workshop - satellite event of the MoDELS 2012 (MDsec-2012), 01.10.2012, Innsbruck, Österreich. Details
  • Diermann, André: A Guidance Model for Architecting Secure Mobile Applications; 4th International ICST Conference on Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems, 25.06.2012, Frankfurt. Details
  • Beul, Michael: Crowdsourcing Supported Context Detection for Improving Information Search Activities; The Seventh International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, 24.06.2012, Venice, Italy. Details
  • Heß, Michael: Modellierung komplexer Entscheidungssituationen in Prozessmodellen – Anwendung am Beispiel der Tumorklassifikation bei Weichteilsarkomen; Dienstleistungsmodellierung 2012, 3. Workshop im Rahmen der Modellierung 2012 (DLM2012), 14.03.2012, Bamberg, Deutschland. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: Erhöhung der Sicherheit von Lebensmittelwarenketten durch Modell-getriebene Prozess-Implementierung; Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2012), 29.02.2012, Braunschweig, Deutschland. Details
  • Heß, Michael: Entwicklung eines Anforderungskatalogs für IT-Anwendungen zur Unterstützung des mobilen Arbeitens und Lernens in der ambulanten Pflege; Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2012), 29.02.2012, Braunschweig, Deutschland. Details
  • Heimann, Erik; Roman, Barski: Priorisierung von ITIL-Prozessen; itSMF-Jahreskongress 2011, 05.12.2011, Kassel. Details
  • Schwittek, Widura: Towards a Common Body of Knowledge on Engineering Secure Software and Services - First experiences from an EU project; SMWCon 2011, 22.09.2011, Berlin. Details
  • Frank, Ulrich: Some Guidelines for the Conception of Domain-Specific Modelling Languages; Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architecture (EMISA 2011), 22.09.2011, Hamburg, Deutschland. Details
  • Heß, Michael: Entwurf ausgewählter Spracherweiterungen zur Ressourcenmodellierung in Pflegedienstleistungsmodellen; Wirtschaftsinformatik 2011, 16.02.2011, Zürich, Schweiz. Details
  • Eicker, Stefan; Schuler, Peter M.: Wie IT die Welt verändert...; 21.01.2011, Gummersbach. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: Supporting ad hoc Analyses on Enterprise Models; EMISA 2010, 07.10.2010, Karlsruhe, Deutschland. Details
  • Schwittek, Widura: Communicating Architectural Knowledge - Requirements for Software Architecture Knowledge Management Tools; ECSA 2010, 25.08.2010, Kopenhagen, Dänemark. Details

    Architecting is a communication intensive task in which architectural
    knowledge is shared between the architect and the stakeholders. The software
    architect’s communicative action is often conducted face-to-face, e.g. in presentations
    and workshops. A software architecture documentation as a carrier of
    explicit architectural knowledge can also be seen as an architect’s communicative
    action. This perspective opens the door for treating a software architecture
    documentation as an expression of an asynchronous knowledge communication
    process enabling the application of principles from communication theory. In
    this paper this perspective is taken and specific requirements are derived for
    software architecture knowledge management tools with respect to the contextoriented
    communication model.

    Architecting is a communication intensive task in which architectural
    knowledge is shared between the architect and the stakeholders. The software
    architect’s communicative action is often conducted face-to-face, e.g. in presentations
    and workshops. A software architecture documentation as a carrier of
    explicit architectural knowledge can also be seen as an architect’s communicative
    action. This perspective opens the door for treating a software architecture
    documentation as an expression of an asynchronous knowledge communication
    process enabling the application of principles from communication theory. In
    this paper this perspective is taken and specific requirements are derived for
    software architecture knowledge management tools with respect to the contextoriented
    communication model.

  • Eicker, Stefan; Schuler, Peter M.: Business Process Variants as a Mechanism for Designing HE Information Systems; EUNIS 2010: IT - A Step forward in Higher Education, 25.06.2010, Warsaw, Poland. Details
  • Eicker, Stefan; Schuler, J. Peter M.; Schuler, Peter M.: Designing Microformats for Higher Education - Between Semantic Richness and Standardization; EUNIS 2010: IT - A Step forward in Higher Education, 24.06.2010, Warsaw, Poland. Details
  • Gulden, Jens: MEMOCenterNG. A full-featured modeling environment for organization-modeling and model-driven software development; The 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE'10) (CAISE'10), 07.06.2010, Hammamet, Tunesien. Details
  • Heß, Michael: Rekonstruktion eines klinischen Behandlungspfads mithilfe domänenspezifischer Erweiterungen einer Geschäftsprozessmodellierungssprache: Anwendungsfall und Sprachkonzepte; Dienstleistungsmodellierung 2010, 2.Workshop im Rahmen der Modellierung 2010 (DLM 2010), 26.03.2010, Klagenfurt, Österreich. Details
  • Spies, Thorsten: Usability eines 3D-Interfaces zur Visualisierung von Informationssystemlandschaften; Neue Arbeits- und Lebenswelten gestalten, 56. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GFA 2010), 25.03.2010, Darmstadt. Details
  • Frank, Ulrich: Open Models: Motivation, Ziele und kritische Erfolgsfaktoren; Methods as Plug-Ins for Meta-Modelling - The 1st International Open Models Workshop, 24.03.2010, Klagenfurt, Österreich. Details
  • Eicker, Stefan; Nagel, Annett; Schuler, Peter M.: Operationalization of Flexibility in Business Process Management; IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2010, 19.03.2010, Porto, Portugal. Details
  • Eicker, Stefan; Pniewski, Sabine; Schuler, Peter M.: Hard Facts, Soft Skills? Business Informatics Curricula Reviewed for Supporting a Holistic View on People, IT & Organization; IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2010, 18.03.2010, Porto, Portugal. Details
  • Eicker, Stefan; Gottschalk, Tim; Nagel, Annett: Comparison of business processes and agile software development processes; Enterprise Engineering meets Software Engineering. Workshop co-located with SE 2010, 22.02.2010, Paderborn. Details
  • Eicker, Stefan; Gottschalk, Tim; Nagel, Annett: Comparison of business processes and agile software development processes; Enterprise Engineering meets Software Engineering. Workshop co-located with SE 2010, 22.02.2010, Paderborn. Details
  • Beul, Michael: "Don’t call us, we call you" - A community driven approach for (domain independent) context driven information retrieval (CoDIR); The Fifth International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems - SITIS 2009, 29.11.2009, Marrakesch, Marokko. Details

    This paper discusses the combination of context injection, metadata enrichment and information broking with current semantic web and community oriented concepts in order to optimize the search and retrieval process of relevant information. The presented approach focuses the shift from information pull to information push, and thus reduces the effort on finding the needed information for a specific issue in a concrete context.

    This paper discusses the combination of context injection, metadata enrichment and information broking with current semantic web and community oriented concepts in order to optimize the search and retrieval process of relevant information. The presented approach focuses the shift from information pull to information push, and thus reduces the effort on finding the needed information for a specific issue in a concrete context.

  • Eicker, Stefan; Schuler, J. Peter M.; Schuler, Peter M.: Semantic Injection of Institutional Websites with New Microformats for Higher Education; EUNIS 2009 - IT: Key of the European Space for Knowledge, 24.06.2009, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Details
  • Schwittek, Widura: Webservices and Enterprise Service Bus - Elements of a Service-oriented Architecture; fontys software engineering colloquium, 12.11.2008, Venlo. Details
  • Spies, Thorsten: SOA Generic Views - In the Eye of the Beholder; WebX 2008 Workshop, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2008), IEEE Congress on Services 2008, 08.07.2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Details

    This paper presents an approach called Generic View Concept which facilitates the creation and visualization of role-based, task-oriented views on service-oriented architectures. Those views enhance the understanding from the technical and functional point of view, and thus reduce the inherent complexity arising during the creation, use and maintenance of service-oriented architectures. The unique aspect of the Generic View Concept is that it does not constrain stakeholders to a set of predefined views. In order to examine the usefulness of Generic Views in real world scenarios, a prototype has been implemented applying 3D visualization techniques.

    This paper presents an approach called Generic View Concept which facilitates the creation and visualization of role-based, task-oriented views on service-oriented architectures. Those views enhance the understanding from the technical and functional point of view, and thus reduce the inherent complexity arising during the creation, use and maintenance of service-oriented architectures. The unique aspect of the Generic View Concept is that it does not constrain stakeholders to a set of predefined views. In order to examine the usefulness of Generic Views in real world scenarios, a prototype has been implemented applying 3D visualization techniques.

  • Eicker, Stefan; Schuler, J. Peter M.; Schuler, Peter M.: Management and Distribution of Course Catalogues with bolognaT3; EUNIS 2008 - Visions for IT in Higher Education, 26.06.2008, Århus, Denmark. Details
  • Eicker, Stefan; Kochbeck, Jessica; Schuler, Peter M.: Employee Competencies for Business Process Management; 11th International Conference on Business Information Systems, 06.05.2008, Innsbruck, Austria. Details

    Business process management (BPM) is an approach which empowers companies to react flexibly to new market situations. The main goal of BPM is to improve efficiency and effectiveness of value-adding business processes. The changes caused by globalization do not only concern organization, technologies and processes, but also people. Employee competencies can be crucial competitive advantages.
    The need for new specialized and competent personnel in BPM becomes apparent from the definition of new roles, such as “Chief Process Officer” (CPO). Field reports and surveys reveal that role concepts of BPM have so far not been completely established, due to a lack of appropriate structures or dueto resistance within the companies.
    This article considers and analyzes the success factor employee competencies in matters of the implementation of BPM in companies. For this purpose, competencies which are necessary for the roles in BPM are identified.  Moreover, a classification method for the definition of role profiles is developed.

  • Eicker, Stefan; Kochbeck, Jessica; Schuler, Peter M.: Employee Competencies for Business Process Management; 11th International Conference on Business Information Systems, 06.05.2008, Innsbruck, Austria. Details

    Business process management (BPM) is an approach which empowers companies to react flexibly to new market situations. The main goal of BPM is to improve efficiency and effectiveness of value-adding business processes. The changes caused by globalization do not only concern organization, technologies and processes, but also people. Employee competencies can be crucial competitive advantages.
    The need for new specialized and competent personnel in BPM becomes apparent from the definition of new roles, such as “Chief Process Officer” (CPO). Field reports and surveys reveal that role concepts of BPM have so far not been completely established, due to a lack of appropriate structures or dueto resistance within the companies.
    This article considers and analyzes the success factor employee competencies in matters of the implementation of BPM in companies. For this purpose, competencies which are necessary for the roles in BPM are identified.  Moreover, a classification method for the definition of role profiles is developed.

  • Stefan, Eicker; Erik, Heimann; Martin, Bucksteeg: Kostenabhängigkeitsbetrachtung für Service Levels von Managed Desktop Services am Beispiel der Verfügbarkeit; Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008, 26.02.2008, Garching. Details
  • Eicker, Stefan; Schuler, J. Peter M.; Schuler, Peter M.: Barrieren und Freiheiten im Web; Workshop "Webdesign / Webtools", 26.06.2007, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen. Details
  • Spies, Thorsten: Software Visualization in the Context of Service-Oriented Architectures; 4th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis (Vissoft2007), 25.06.2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada. Details
  • Eicker, Stefan; Heimann, Erik; Stewing, Franz-Josef: Reflections on Future Collaborative Work(ing) Environments; CHALLENGES IN COLLABORATIVE ENGINEERING (CCE'07), 12.04.2007, Krakau, Polen. Details
  • Schuler, Peter M.: Creating Content; E-University Workshop-Reihe: E-Learning-Szenarien in Betriebswirtschaft und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 19.05.2006, Duisburg. Details
  • Eicker, Stefan: Virtual Global University - Erfahrungen aus einem virtuellen, internationalen Masterprogramm für Wirtschaftsinformatik; E-University Workshop-Reihe: E-Learning-Szenarien in Betriebswirtschaft und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 19.05.2006, Duisburg. Details
  • Eicker, Stefan: IT-Systeme an der Universität - Enabler oder Disabler; E-University Workshop-Reihe: E-Learning-Werkzeuge: Portale, Content- und Learning Management Systeme, 28.04.2006, Duisburg. Details
  • Eicker, Stefan; Schuler, Peter M.; Gartner, Thomas: Einsatz virtueller Computer-Pools im E-Learning; 6. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2003: Medien - Märkte - Mobilität, 18.09.2003, Dresden. Details

  • Spies, Thorsten: Behandlung von Informationsdefiziten und -verlusten bei der Transformation von XML-Geschäftsdaten; 5. Paderborner Frühjahrstagung "Innovationen im E-Business", 10.04.2003, Paderborn. Details
  • Eicker, Stefan; Lelke, Frank; Kress, Stephan: Einführung eines SAP BW zur Unterstützung des Strategischen Controlling - Data-Warehouse-Projekterfahrungen der Infracor GmbH; Data Warehousing 2002, 12.11.2002, Friedrichshafen. Details
  • Eicker, Stefan; Heimann, Erik: Anpassung von Anwendungssystemen an neue gesetzliche Rahmenbedingungen - Erfahrungen eines Reengineering-Projekts im Bankenbereich; Software Reengineering 1999, , Bad Honnef. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Antrittsvorlesung - Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen; , Friedrichshafen. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Paradoxien bei der Nutzung von Informationssystemen; Jahreskonferenz 2017 des Netzwerks Verbraucherforschung, , Berlin. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Moderation der Podiumsdiskussion auf der WI 2021 - Anforderungen an die Menschen durch die Digitalisierung und Herausforderungen für Universitäten, Unternehmen und die Politik, um Digitalisierungskompe­tenzen zu vermitteln; 2021, , Essen. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Digitale Souveränität; Vortrag vor dem Wissenschaftliche Beirat Software AG 2021, , Darmstadt. Details
  • Schütte, R.: New ERP; Vortrag vor dem Wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Software AG 2021, , Darmstadt. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Cloud Computing; Vortrag für die Stifter der Stiftungsprofessuren an der UDE 2021, , Essen. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Machine Learning zur Preisoptimierung im Lebensmittelhandel; Vortrag bei der EDEKA RR EHG, , Moers, 2021. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Die Rolle des Staates in Zeiten der Digitalisierung; Vortrag im Rahmen der Innovationsplattform der SPD, , Berlin, 2021. Details
  • Schütte, R.: Digitalisierung - gestern, heute und morgen und ihre Bedeutung für den Technischen Großhandel; Vortrag vor den Führungskräften von Richter + Frenzel, . Details
  • Schütte, R.: Wissenschaftstheorie für Wirtschaftsinformatiker; Vortrag im Rahmen eines Doktorandenkolloquiums der University Ruhr Aliance, , Essen, 2022. Details