Study Programme's Structure

A total of 120 ECTS are required to complete the Master's programme. You enjoy a high degree of flexibility in terms of content. This flexibility results from the fact that for the Master's programme we provide the two large fields of Business Information Systems ("WP1") and Business Administration/VWL/Informatics ("WP2"), in which you must complete courses. In addition to modules in these compulsory areas, you have to complete a seminar work and aproject work as well as key qualifications. A quarter of all ECTS of the Master's programme is achieved with the Master's thesis, which underlines the importance of the final thesis, for which we will prepare you at various points during the Master's programme.
In order to prepare you for an international job market, our Master's programme also requires you to take at least 36 ECTS in English-language courses, which you can also prove through an English-language seminar, Master's or project thesis and of course through the achievements acquired during your stay abroad, which are also compulsory in our Master's programme.
A total of 120 ECTS (also called Credit Points or "CP") must be earned in the Master's programme. These are combined from the following areas:
Compulsory Modules 1 ("WP1"): Business Information Systems (42 credits)
The chairs of Business Information Systems offer a variety of courses in German and English. Lectures totaling 42 CP need to be selected from this area.
Compulsory Modules 2 ("WP2"): Computer Science, Business Studies, and Economics (24 credits)
Modules can be chosen from the other offers of the chairs of the faculty. These include modules from the fields of computer science, business administration and economics. More detailed information on the modules and their contents can be found in the module manual.
Soft skills (6 credits)
In the so called "E1" courses of the Institute for Optional Studies (IOS) students can choose between language courses and many more soft skill-related modules, like presentation techniques for example.
Seminar paper (6 credits)
To practice scientific working and writing, the seminar paper offers students the possibility to write a seminar paper for a current research topic of one of the chairs.
Master project (12 credits)
The Master's project is conducted in small groups of students and aims at strengthen the theoretically learned methods and tools by applying them to a practical problem.
Master thesis (30 credits)
Finally, the Master's thesis concludes the study program in which the students are required to deal with a typical problem from the discipline in form of a scientific paper.
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The distribution of ECTS during your study can be as follows
Study plan
Due to the modular nature of the Master's programme, you can start both in the winter and summer semester without any problems. The distribution of modules in compulsory areas 1 and 2 shown here is only a recommendation. You can freely choose your modules at any time. The only exception to this is the Master thesis, which you can only start after reaching 75 ECTS.