This is what our female students say
An interview with four female students of information systems and system engineering
Leonie Prümm (information systems) and Ella Pohl (systems engineering) are in the middle of their bachelor studies, while Jana Schmitz (systems engineering) and Judith Mitternacht (information systems) have successfully finished their bachelor studies and started with their master studies.

Leonie, you are currently studying information systems at the University Duisburg-Essen. What were the reasons for your decision?
Information systems at the University Duisburg-Essen optimally combines technology with its possible applications and offers a wide range of courses, which also includes practical aspects. Especially at the fields seminar and bachelor project I have the opportunity to choose topics, which match with my personal interests.
Ella, on the contrary you have decided to study systems engineering. How did you come up with the idea?
System Engineering was a completely new field for me, that follows the newest trends and is mostly future-oriented. I decided on it because I like that the focus is more on the technical side of things.
Leonie, at the moment you are in your fifth semester and will soon write your bachelor thesis. What makes the information systems bachelor studies so interesting for you?
For me it is especially interesting to deal with technologies like the internet of things, connected cars, artificial intelligence or automation. But most importantly as a business informatician I am able to work on the trends of the future and help shape the worldwide networking system.
Ella, we all know the cliché that information scientists mostly work in the basement and avoid daylight. What do you think about that?
I don’t agree with that. I am working in the IT industry and my colleagues and I are working in a very light-flooded building and like to spend time together outside of working hours – even outdoors.
Jana, besides your studies you are working as a research assistant in the field of learning technologies. Was it difficult for you to deal with the male-dominated area?
No, not at all. It was never really relevant to me. The working atmosphere is great. I generally enjoy already working in the area where I would like to work after my studies.
Judith, you decided voluntarily to take the mentoring of fist-year students of information system. Do you have any tips for young women who are interested in studying information systems?
Though I didn’t have information science in school, I achieved a good bachelor’s degree. So in my opinion anyone, who wants to do it and puts in the effort, can get a good degree. So: don’t be insecure, keep at it and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Moreover, that I highly recommend connecting with other students and forming study groups right at the beginning so you can help each other out throughout the terms.
Jana, you already started with your master studies, but you also finished your bachelor studies at the University Duisburg-Essen. What do you especially like about the location?
I think the cohesion and the community of the students at the location Essen is just great. When I started studying here, I immediately felt accepted and welcomed. Besides that, I really enjoyed the close connection between the professors and the students.
Judith, the study of information systems has a high variety. Do you already know what could be your dream profession? What would you like to do in future?
In my bachelor studies, I really liked the specialization in IT-Management and E-Entrepreneurship. I could imagine myself working in those areas. Furthermore, I already planned to work abroad for a while.
Thanks for the interview! We wish you all the best for your studies.