Seminar topics

Proposed Topics for Seminar Papers

Topics for seminar papers proposed by the participating research chairs can be found using the links listed below.

Proposed Topics

The proposed topics are firstly categorized into topics for Bachelor's and Master's students (this is reflected in the two links found below). On each summary page, suggested topics are then structured according to the research chair proposing the topics. Finally, topics are grouped into topic groups.

As explained on the page on General Information, seminar applications are always with reference to topic groups, not concrete topics. In case you successfully receive a seminar place, you will be assigned a concrete topic in a decentralized fashion by your supervisor. You can apply for up to five topic groups.

In addition to the proposed topics and topic groups listed on the pages linked below, you can also apply with your own topic suggestion. This topic suggestion should describe a concrete and specific topic. In case you apply with you own topic, you can simultaneously apply for up to four proposed topic groups.


Carefully study the list of proposed topics for your study level (Bachelor or Master). When you identify topic groups in which you are interested, write down the identifier attached to the topic group (e.g., UMO-BA-1, SITM-MA-2). These identifiers must be stated in the online application form. Write down up to five topic group  identifiers; you will be able to state as many identifiers in the online application form. Of course, you are free to apply for less than five topic groups.