FAQ Seminar
Is WISEM the only way to write a seminar paper as a Business Information Systems student?
The procedure on these pages is used to register for the courses:
- Seminar "Wirtschaftsinformatik" (WIWI‑C0975) in module Seminar (Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik) (WIWI‑M0709) for bachelor students
- Seminar "Wirtschaftsinformatik" (WIWI‑C0980) in module Seminar (Master Wirtschaftsinformatik) (WIWI‑M0090) for master students
As you can see from the linked module descriptions, there are further offers, for example from a large number of professors of computer science.
However, WISEM is the only possibility to write a seminar paper with the seven participating chairs (AI, APP, IIS, SITM, SOFTEC, SUST, and TM).
Is it also possible to write a seminar paper during the semester break?
No. Due to the limited number of participants, no deviations from this process are possible. The deadlines published here apply.
Who can apply for a seminar place? Are there any prerequisites for participation?
The seminar is primarily aimed at bachelor's and master's level of Business Information Systems who meet the requirements of the corresponding examination regulations.
There are currently no requirements defined in the exam regulation for master's students.
For bachelor students of the exam regulation "PO 2010" you need at least 90 credits in the core area to be able to apply for a seminar place.
Basis for the calculation of these minimum-credits-requirement are the credits listed in the HIS or in the grade overview PDF you hand in. If you either
- know about some exam grades, which are not yet registered, these credits can't be included, or if you
- have a pending process for credit transfer from a different university, which is not yet registered, these credits can't be included.
The formalities of the exam regulation place the seminar in the 5th semester, so after receiving 120 credits. So this already includes a buffer of 30 credits, to cover such situations.
Can I suggest my own topic?
Yes. If you have formulated an interesting topic yourself, please contact a supervisor of the WISEM chairs or the central WISEM coordinator at wisem (at) wiwinf.uni-due.de. When applying via the online form, please select "own topic" on the registration form. Please keep in mind, that this doesn't guarantee a seminar slot, but is treated like every other applicant.
Can I apply for more than one seminar topic?
Yes, as part of your application, you can assign a priority to any topic you wish. This is then taken into account when assigning seminar places - if possible and if the capacity of the corresponding research groups allows for it. You may select up to eight topics and define fallback topics for other research groups.
What happens if all of my topics are rejected?
On the deadline date ("Announcement of seminar place allocation") all students will be informed of acceptance or rejection. If your desired topics are no longer available, you will be informed by e-mail.
Who do I contact if I wish to appeal against a decision on the allocation of seminar places?
In order to clarify your request as soon as possible, please contact the e-mail address wisem (at) wiwinf.uni-due.de
Is the registration for the seminar binding?
Yes, within the first few weeks after the topic has been assigned, the participants confirm that they are committed to working on the assigned topic.
Anyone who fails to hand in a seminar paper or fails to do so on time will be assigned the lowest priority in the application procedure of the following semester. Given that there are usually more applicants than available seminar places, this means that you will usually not receive a seminar place in that semester.
Are there templates that I can/must use for my seminar work?
Yes, there are templates provided by the supervising chairs. These usually also contain a scientific guide.
What is the expected length of the written work?
The scope of the written work should correspond to 7.500 words (+/- 10%). This includes all content of the work (from Chapter 1 to the conclusion). All preceding pages (title page, abstract, list of contents, figures, tables and abbreviations), headers and footers, and the bibliography are not included.
Text in tables, as well as captions of illustrations and other content is counted. Inserting text as an image to bypass the word count is not allowed. Deviations from these requirements have an influence on the grading. Exceptions must be discussed with supervisors in advance.
For counting in MS Word, for example, you can use the official Microsoft instructions under "Count the number of words in a part of a document" and mark the text from the heading Chapter 1 to directly in front of the bibliography. There are similar possibilities in other programs. If you are not sure whether your procedure counts correctly, remember that the circumferential range is given as +/-10% and the usual inaccuracies in counting are not a problem.
Do I have to participate in the accompanying sessions for scientific work and the presentation workshop?
Formal: No, there is no obligation to attend.
Unfortunately, however, recent experience shows that there are frequent shortcomings in the areas of scientific work and presentation techniques. We consider the contents of the accompanying sessions to be useful to support you in completing the module. Therefore, participation is strongly recommended for all students. Please note that the contents of the sessions (scientific work and presentations) are closely related to your graded end results (written work and oral presentation). Any deficits in these areas might negatively influence your grading.
Can I change my topic during the work phase?
This has to be discussed with the supervisor individually.
Where can I find literature on the topic I am working on?
In the accompanying sessions you will learn about literature research and selection. Some suggested topics also contain information on introductory literature that fits the topic.
What happens if I do not participate in the oral presentation of my seminar topic?
In case of non-participation without excuse on the presentation date, the seminar paper will be rated a grade 5.0. In this case you will receive the last priority for the allocation of the seminar places in the following semester. As we usually have more applicants than places, this usually means that you are excluded from the seminar during the following semester.
Exemption from taking part in the oral presentation will only be granted on submission of a medical certificate. In this case, the seminar paper will not be evaluated. If you take part again in a subsequent semester, you will have to choose a different topic. Even on presentation of a medical certificate, no alternative date can be offered for the oral presentation in the current semester.
When and how must the seminar paper be submitted? What happens if I don't submit it on time?
The seminar paper must be sent by e-mail to the appropriate supervisor by 11.59 p.m. on the day of submission. Late submissions are considered as not submitted and are awarded a grade of 5.0 and corresponding penalty points.
Anyone who fails to hand in the seminar places or fails to do so on time will receive the last priority in the following semester when the seminar places are allocated. As we usually have more applicants than places, this usually means that you will be excluded from the seminar in the following semester.
Is there a possibility to postpone the submission of the seminar paper?
No. The stated deadlines are binding. Even with a medical certificate, no postponement can be granted.
What are the consequences of suspected plagiarism?
The suspicious seminar paper is handed over to the examination board and evaluated by it. The same board also determines any further procedure.
Should the presentation contain the entire content of the written work?
No, due to the limited time this is not possible. In your presentation you should focus on the most important contents.
How many credits are awarded for the seminar?
Successful participants receive 6 credits each for bachelor's and master's students of Business Information Systems. Penalty points will be awarded in the case of a failure to present and participate.
When will the grades be announced?
You will receive the overall grade for the seminar from your supervisor by the end of the semester at the latest.
For general questions around the WISEM process
Leonardo Banh is the main responsible contact for the WISEM process, especially the application process. He will be happy to answer any organizational questions you may have.
Koordination WISEM