News & Historie

Aktuelle Meldungen

 Do., 28. Nov. 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Research paper on the role that innovations play in IT and management consulting firms accepted for the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2014

We are proud to announce that the paper "Do Management and IT Consulting Firms Generate Different Types of Innovations? An Activity Analysis" authored by Dr. Andreas Drechsler, Phillipp Dörr, Christoph Corten, and Yasmina Hadouyat...

 So., 24. Nov. 2013   Jendrian, Simon

IT Consulting Workshop on multi-project management organized by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) on December 3

We are pleased to announce that the IT consulting lecture, which will be given on December 3 will give our master students the opportunity to collaborate on a consulting case study on multi-project management with several PwC...

 Fr., 22. Nov. 2013   Jendrian, Simon

IIS4Energy network will be featured in professional magazine

The IIS4Energy network will be featured in the 4th issue of the magazine “Innovation und Energie,” which is published by the EnergieAgentur.NRW. The network brings together technology firms, consulting companies and companies from...

 Di., 29. Okt. 2013   Jendrian, Simon

IS:link network rewarded with third place at DAAD “Beispielhafte Anerkennung 2013”

The IS:link network, which is directed by Prof. Ahlemann, was rewarded with a third place at the DAAD submission “Beispielhafte Anerkennung 2013”. The price honors particularly innovative approaches that support mobility and...

 Sa., 26. Okt. 2013   Jendrian, Simon

SITM offers Executive Education on Business-IT Alignment in close collaboration with the European Business School (EBS)

The chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management offers an executive education program in close collaboration with the European Business School (EBS), Wiesbaden. Prof. Frederik Ahlemann is involved as an Enterprise...

 Di., 22. Okt. 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Prof. Frederik Ahlemann appointed vice director of the ICB

Prof. Frederik Ahlemann was appointed the vice director of the Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB). The managing director is Prof. Klaus Echtle.

 Do., 17. Okt. 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Prof. Ahlemann will act as chairman of the dialogue board on “Toolgestütztes Projektmanagement” (tool-supported project management)

Frederik Ahlemann will act as the chairman and moderator of the professional conference “Toolgestütztes Projektmanagement” (tool-supported project management) on November 19 in Frankfurt/M., November 21 in Cologne, and November 26...

 So., 13. Okt. 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Florian Hesselmann is honored with Alumni-WiWi-Essen Award

On September 27, Florian Hesselmann received this year’s Alumni-WiWi-Essen Award at the University of Duisburg-Essen’s graduation ceremony. The faculty department’s best graduate student is honored with this Award each year.

 Mi., 09. Okt. 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Prof. Ahlemann at the Wroclaw Summer School 2013

On September 2 and 3, Prof. Ahlemann presented full day lectures on enterprise architecture management (EAM) at the Wroclaw Summer School 2013, which took place in collaboration with IS:link. The lectures covered topics such as...

 Mi., 02. Okt. 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Successful final presentation of IS Project results for industry partner

On Thursday, September 5, the student teams of this semester’s IS project successfully presented their findings to Prof. Ahlemann, Dr. Drechsler of SITM, and to the representatives of GAGFAH, the industry partner of SITM in the IS...

 Fr., 20. Sept. 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Prof. Dr. Ahlemann gave a presentation at the conference “Facharchitekur in Versicherungen” in Leipzig

Frederik Ahlemann was invited to speak at the conference “Facharchitekur in Versicherungen” in Leipzig on September 11 and 12, 2013. Most insurance companies have realized the importance of managing their business architecture....

 Do., 12. Sept. 2013   Jendrian, Simon

Research meets Practice at SITM’s latest Research Colloquium

Another research colloquium took place at the SITM chair on Thursday, 29 August, with an honored guest from practice: Mr. Hilko Heuer, CIO at Ferrostaal GmbH. The colloquium covered topics such as cloud computing, smart grids,...

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