Accompanying sessions

If you have successfully applied for a topic proposal, the pre-seminar phase will begin for you.
Right at the beginning, there will be an introduction to scientific work. Here you will be taught the principles of science and scientific writing will be distinguished from other forms, such as journalism. In a supplementary workshop, this knowledge is then applied practically. The workshop covers, among other things, the essential basics of citation, literature work and structuring of scientific work. In addition, within the first week after the assignment of the topics, there is often a first supervision meeting with the respective supervisor, in which the topic is further concretized and advice is given on how to start the further literature search.
In order to successfully complete the pre-seminar phase, you must accept the topic assigned to you in written form after the introductory events (by e-mail), as well as submit a brief written paper (typically an exposé of about 2-3 pages) by the deadline (in the same e-mail). The deadline for this can be found on the homepage of the seminar papers in the section Dates and Deadlines.
Please note: Successful participation in the pre-seminar phase is mandatory for further participation in the (main) seminar!
In the exposé you should elaborate the goal and the research question based on a convincing motivation. Based on a description of the procedure and a first structure, you can dissect the topic and plan how you want to answer the research question and what can be expected in the result. The exposé forms the starting point for the further supervision process and serves as an introduction to the work phase/main seminar.
The individual chairs offer format templates to support seminar work that are available for both. Microsoft Word and often for, LaTeX, -which is an alternative known for its clean layout- and often used for scientific publications. With regard to literature work, students should also familiarize themselves with a literature management program of choice (e.g. Citavi, Zotero, Mendeley). This considerably simplifies literature work and citation. It is important to clarify which style of quotation should be used.
Toward the end of the work phase, both bachelor's and master's students are required to present their topic. They will receive further feedback and the seminar project will subsequently be graded. In preparation for this presentation, the faculty will set up a workshop that introduces presentation techniques.
The department strongly recommends all students, and especially those who have not yet gained any experience in scientific work, attend all three accompanying events.

Begleitende Veranstaltung zum Seminar Wirtschaftsinformatik
Einführung in Präsentationstechniken (für Seminarteilnehmer)
- Lecturer:
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker
- Contact:
- Term:
- Winter Semester 2024/2025
- Cycle:
- Sommer- und Wintersemester
- Time:
- 10.01.2025
- Room:
- Online per Moodle und Zoom
- Language:
- German
- Moodle:
- Lecture in Moodle
- Participants:
- Linked Lectures:
Die Veranstaltung „Einführung in Präsentationstechniken“ vermittelt Vorgehensweisen und Konzepte zur Vorbereitung, Visualisierung und Vortragen einer Präsentation. Sie ist Teil einer Reihe von begleitenden Veranstaltungen für Seminarteilnehmer der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Informationen zum Seminar selbst finden sich auf der zentralen Wirtschaftsinformatik-Seite unter Seminararbeiten. Alle Materialien werden im Anschluss der Veranstaltung im zentralen WI-SEM-Moodlekurs bereitgestellt.
Learning Targets:
Die Teilnehmenden
- kennen Techniken, die sie bei der Vorbereitung einer Präsentation unterstützen
- können potentielle Inhalte einer Präsentation gewichten
- können geeignete Inhalte ihrer Seminararbeiten für die Präsentation auswählen
- können verschiedene Gliederungen für Präsentationen unterscheiden
- können eine geeignete Gliederung für ein Thema auswählen und einsetzen
- können geeignete Medien für eine Präsentation auswählen
- kennen Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener visueller Elemente, um Informationen in Präsentationen darzustellen
- können zwischen wissenschaftlichen und nicht-wissenschaftlichen Präsentationen unterscheiden
- können Lösungsmöglichkeiten für Probleme, die während eines Vortrags auftreten können, anwenden

Support in subject-related literature research
In addition, the staff of the University Library (UB) offer you an introduction to subject-related literature research for economics (Link to UB web site) or informatics (Link to UB web site). You can participate these sessions if necessary.
This can help you if you have no experience with scientific literary work or if you want to learn useful tips and tricks.