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Type of Publication: Article in Journal
Unified Energy Agents for Combined District Heating and Electrical Network Simulation
- Author(s):
- Loose, Nils; Thommessen, Christian; Mehlich, Jan; Derksen, Christian; Eicker, Stefan
- Title of Journal:
- Sustainability
- Volume (Publication Date):
- 12 (2020)
- Number of Issue:
- 21
- pages:
- 9301
- Language:
- Englisch
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
- doi:10.3390/su12219301
- Citation:
- Download BibTeX
A sustainable and climate-friendly energy supply needs flexible and efficient distribution systems. Key factors to implement this kind of systems are intelligent coordination (smart grid approaches) and the integration of different energy sectors. This article introduces the unified energy agent as an agent-based approach for a comprehensive modelling and control of energy conversion systems. This approach enables both the simulation and optimization of coupled energy networks, and then in a next step, the development of corresponding smart grid solutions to be applied in the field. Its applicability for the simulation of coupled networks is presented by a real-world use-case of an innovative combined heat and electrical network, which was implemented for the city of Lemgo, Germany. Preliminary results from the project are discussed and an outlook on future work is given.