
Prof. Dr. Mario Schaarschmidt


Prof. Dr. Mario Schaarschmidt

WST-A 10.09
+49 201 18-33981
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Zur Person:

Mario Schaarschmidt ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Applikationsmanagement an der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Er studierte Informatik mit Anwendungsfach Wirtschaftsinformatik (Dipl.-Inf.) an der Universität Koblenz-Landau. Ebenso schloss er dort seine Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol. mit einer Arbeit zur Rolle von Firmen in der Erstellung von Open Source Software, sowie seine Habilitation ab. Dort war er auch als Juniorprofessor für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement tätig und sowohl leitendes Mitglied im Institut für Web Science and Technologies (WeST) als auch stellvertretender Direktor des universitätsweiten Instituts für Scientific Entrepreneurship und International Transfer (ZIfET). Weitere akademische Stationen umfassen Vertretungsprofessuren an der Universität zu Köln und an der Universität Paderborn sowie Auslandsaufenthalte an der Harvard Kennedy School, University College Cork und University of Exeter. Vor seinem Engagement an der Universität Duisburg-Essen war er Senior Lecturer in Business Analytics and Digital Marketing am Amsterdam Campus der Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University.

Prof. Dr. Schaarschmidt bringt Praxiserfahrung ein durch freie Beratertätigkeit sowie durch seine Zeit als Senior Vice President Sales der Groupon Deutschland GmbH. Zudem leitete er eine Vielzahl von geförderten Projekten in Kollaboration mit Praxispartnern. Insgesamt war er an der Einwerbung von über 2,7 Millionen Euro, vorwiegend vergeben durch BMBF und BMWi (EXIST), beteiligt. In seiner Forschung beschäftigen ihn sowohl technische als auch verhaltensorientierte Aspekte von digitalen Innovationen. Er lehrt und forscht daher insbesondere zu den Themen Digitale Dienstleistungen, Open Source Software, moderne Softwareentwicklung und Nachhaltigkeit.

Ehrungen und Auszeichnungen:

2024 - Best Associate Editor Award, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2024), Zypern

2021 - Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management Meeting, for the paper "Why do innovation managers put a premium on premium?"

2019 - Best Paper Award International Research Symposium on Service Management (IRSSM), 06.-09. Oktober 2019, Dubai, VAE, sponsored by Journal of Service Management

2018 - Best Theory Paper Award Nominee International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco

2017 - Best Paper Award 3rd International Colloquium on Corporate Branding, Identity, Image, and Reputation (COBIIR), 07.-08. September 2017, London, UK.

2014 - Best Paper Award EMONET IX Konferenz, 30.-31. Juli 2014, Philadelphia, PA

2012 - Finalist ISPIM-Wiley Dissertation Award 2012 Unter den letzten 10 Kandidaten von mehr als 150


Gelistet unter den TOP 100 Wirtschaftsforschern, Platz 62 (von ca. 2800) nach dem Ranking der Wirtschaftswoche 2019 (Ranking 2021 und 2022 nicht teilgenommen aufgrund von Tätigkeit im Ausland)

Gelistet unter den TOP 250 Wirtschaftsforschern nach Lebenswerk (Platz 240 von 4958 erfassten Personen) nach dem Ranking der Wirtschaftswoche 2024  Link


  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Stol, Klaas-Jan; Fitzgerald, Brian: The Insider’s Dilemma: Employed Open Source Developers’ Identification Imbalance and Intentions to Leave. In: European Journal of Information Systems (2025). BIB DownloadDetails
  • Wendt, Maurice; Schäfer, Sebastian; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Empowering Regional Bank Sales Through Embodied Conversational Agents: A Multiple Case Study. In: Proceedings of the Pre-ICIS SIG Services Workshop on Synergizing Service Ecosystems with AI. Bangkok, Thailand 2024. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Gurtner, Nadine; Gurtner, Sebastian; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Uncovering the Paradox of Affordable Innovation: The Divergent Effect of Innovativeness on Managers' Attitudes Toward Affordable Innovation. In: Creativity and Innovation Management (2024). BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Heidenreich, Sven; Bertram, Matthias; Dose, David: Passive innovation resistance in digital subscription services. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL 2024. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Stol, Klaas-Jan; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Morgan, Lorraine: Does Adopting Inner Source Increase Job Satisfaction? A Social Capital Perspective using a Mixed-Methods Approach. In: Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Jg. 33 (2024) Nr. 1, S. 1-24. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Kuk, George; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Homscheid, Dirk: All of the same breed? A networking perspective of private-collective innovation. In: Journal of Business Research, Jg. 172 (2024). BIB DownloadDetails
  • Walsh, Gianfranco; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Taking Advantage of Algorithmic Preference to Reduce Product Returns in E-Commerce. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Hyderabad, India 2023. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Sainidis, Eustathios; Matheus, Thomas; El Kohli, Daniel: Absorptive capacity for innovation management control: Empirical evidence from hybrid product-service bundles. In: International Journal of Innovation Management (2023). BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario: Innovating beyond firm boundaries: Resource deployment control in open source software development. In: Information Technology & People, Jg. 36 (2023) Nr. 4, S. 1645-1668. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walsh, Gianfranco; Dose, David; Christ-Brendemühl, Sonja: Customer Integration, Fairness Perceptions, and Silent Endurance in Digital versus Human Service Interactions. In: European Management Journal, Jg. 41 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 34-46. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Dose, David: Customer engagement in idea contests: Emotional and behavioral consequences of idea rejection. In: Psychology & Marketing, Jg. 40 (2023) Nr. 5, S. 888-909. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walsh, Gianfranco; Hietschold, Nadine; Segelitz-Karsten, Ariane: Affordable innovation rejection attitudes: Conceptualization, scale development, and validation. In: International Journal of Innovation Management, Jg. 26 (2022) Nr. 6, S. 1-32. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Stol, Klaas-Jan; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Goldblit, Shelly: Gamification in software engineering: the mediating role of developer engagement and job satisfaction. In: Empirical Software Engineering, Jg. 27 (2022) Nr. 2, S. 1-34. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Dose, David: Revenge of the forgotten? Consequences of idea rejection in open innovation contests. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA 2022. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Walsh, Gianfranco; Shiu, Edward; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Hassan, Louise: Digital presence in service recovery: The interactive effect of customer salutations and employee photographs in email signatures. In: Psychology & Marketing, Jg. 39 (2022) Nr. 12, S. 2361-2383. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walsh, Gianfranco; Evanschitzky, Heiner: Hybrid offerings sales capability: Conceptualization, scale development, and validation. In: British Journal of Management, Jg. 33 (2022) Nr. 3, S. 1560-1581. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Bertram, Matthias; Von Korflesch, Harald: Digitally co-created corporate social responsibility: Testing the effectiveness of “You decide, we donate” approaches. In: Proceedings der Wirtschaftsinformatik WI22. Nürnberg 2022, S. 1-12. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Christ-Brendemühl, Sonja; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Customer fairness perceptions in augmented reality-based online services. In: Journal of Service Management, Jg. 33 (2022) Nr. 1, S. 9-32. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Bertram, Matthias; Knobloch, Marius: Last mile drone delivery services: Adoption barriers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Austin, TX 2021. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walsh, Gianfranco; Ivens, Stefan: Digital war for talent: How profile reputations on company rating platforms drive job seekers' application intentions. In: Journal of Vocational Behavior, Jg. 113 (2021). BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walsh, Gianfranco; Segelitz-Karsten, Ariane; Hietschold, Nadine; Gurtner, Sebastian; Reinhardt, Ronny: Why do innovation managers put a premium on premium?. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceedings. Virtual Meeting 2021. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Ivens, Stefan; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Könsgen, Raoul: When employees speak as they like: Bad mouthing in social media. In: Corporate Reputation Review, Jg. 24 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 1-13. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Höber, Björn; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Von Korflesch, Harald: Internal idea contests: Work environment perceptions and the moderating role of power distance. In: Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, Jg. 6 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 1-10. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Bertram, Matthias: Digital business intensity and constructive process deviance: A study of reactions to digitization-focused process innovation. In: International Journal of Innovation Management, Jg. 24 (2020) Nr. 7. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walsh, Gianfranco: Social media-driven antecedents and consequences of employees’ awareness of their impact on corporate reputation. In: Journal of Business Research, Jg. 117 (2020), S. 718-726. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Walsh, Gianfranco; Yang, Zhiyong; Dahling, Jason; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Takahashi, Ikuo: Effects of Service Employees’ Negative Personality Traits on Emotional Labor and Job satisfaction—Evidence from Two Countries. In: Management Decision, Jg. 58 (2020) Nr. 6, S. 1035-1052. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Christ-Brendemühl, Sonja; Schaarschmidt, Mario: The impact of service employees’ technostress on customer satisfaction and delight: A dyadic analysis. In: Journal of Business Research, Jg. 117 (2020), S. 378-388. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Walsh, Gianfranco; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Teng, Lefa: Cross-cultural assessment of a short scale to measure employees’ company reputation–related social media competence. In: Corporate Reputation Review, Jg. 23 (2020) Nr. 2, S. 78-91. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Könsgen, Raoul: Good citizen, good ambassador? Linking employees' reputation perceptions with supportive behavior on Twitter. In: Journal of Business Research, Jg. 117 (2020), S. 754-763. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Seiferth, A.; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Sharing Personal Health and Fitness Data with Health Insurance Providers: An Empirical Study Considering Trust and Risk. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Maui, Hawaii 2020. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Stol, Klaas-Jan; Walsh, Gianfranco; Bertram, Matthias: Lead Users’ Innovative Work Behavior in Digital Platform Ecosystems: A Large Scale Study of App Developers. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Munich, Germany 2019. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Walsh, Gianfranco; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Shiu, Edward; Hassan, Louise: Effectiveness of post-service failure email-based recovery efforts: some experimental evidence. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Munich, Germany 2019. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Homscheid, Dirk; Kilian, Thomas: Application developer engagement in open software platforms: An empirical study of Apple iOS and Google Android developers. In: International Journal of Innovation Management, Jg. 23 (2019) Nr. 4. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Christ-Brendemühl, Sonja; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Frontline backlash: Service employees' deviance from digital processes. In: Journal of Services Marketing, Jg. 31 (2019) Nr. 7, S. 936-945. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walsh, Gianfranco; Von Korflesch, Harald (Hrsg.): Online-Reputationskompetenz von Mitarbeitern: Mit Social-Media-Reputationsmanagement das Unternehmensimage stärken, Springer, 2019. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Bertram, Matthias; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Digitalisierung und soziale Medien im Handwerk: Ergebnisse einer Studie im Bereich Heizungs-, Sanitär- und Klimatechnik. In: Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walsh, Gianfranco; Von Korflesch, Harald (Hrsg.): Online-Reputationskompetenz von Mitarbeitern: Mit Social-Media-Reputationsmanagement das Unternehmensimage stärken. Springer, Wiesbaden 2019, S. 197-211. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Stol, Klaas-Jan: Company Soldiers and Gone-Natives: Role Conflict and Career Ambition Among Firm-Employed Open Source Developers. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). San Francisco, CA 2018. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Walsh, Gianfranco; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Ivens, Stefan: Assessing the Effects of Multichannel Service Provider Corporate Reputation on Customer New Product Adoption and RFM Value.. In: Journal of Service Management, Jg. 29 (2018) Nr. 4, S. 680-702. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Könsgen, Raoul; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Ivens, Stefan; Munzel, Andreas: Finding meaning in contradiction: Effects of discrepant online reviews on job application intentions. In: Journal of Interactive Marketing, Jg. 43 (2018), S. 165-177. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walsh, Gianfranco; Evanschitzky, Heiner: Customer Interaction and Innovation in Hybrid Offerings: Investigating Moderation and Mediation Effects for Goods and Services Innovation. In: Journal of Service Research, Jg. 21 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 119-134. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Ivens, Stefan; Homscheid, Dirk: Dr. Miller or Dr. Smith? Patients’ Intentions to Make Appointments on Physician Rating Platforms. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Seoul, South Korea 2017. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Walsh, Gianfranco; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Teng, Lefa: The reputation-related social media competence among employees in Germany, China and the U.S.: A cross-cultural scale validation. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Seoul, South Korea 2017. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Ivens, Stefan; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Höber, Björn: Enemy in the house? Antecedents of employees’ company-related bad mouthing in social media. In: Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Boston, MA 2017. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Könsgen, Raoul; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Vasilieva, Olga: A user-centered perspective on mHealth: Understanding patients’ intentions to use mobile video consultation services. In: Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Boston, MA 2017. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Höber, Björn: Digital booking services: Comparing online with phone reservation services. In: Journal of Services Marketing, Jg. 31 (2017) Nr. 7, S. 704-719. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Koschmider, Agnes; Schaarschmidt, Mario: A Crowdsourcing-based Learning Approach to activate Active Learning.. In: DeLFI-Tagung, GI-Fachgruppe e-Learning, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI). Chemnitz 2017. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Höber, Björn; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Transforming from Service Providers to Solution Providers – Implications for Customer-Provider Relationships and Customer-induced Solution Innovation. In: International Journal of Technology Management, Jg. 73 (2017) Nr. 1/2/3, S. 65-90. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Walsh, Gianfranco; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Ivens, Stefan: Effects of customer-based corporate reputation on perceived risk and relational outcomes: Evidence from gender moderation in fashion retailing. In: Journal of Product & Brand Management, Jg. 26 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 227-238. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Könsgen, Raoul; Stock, Steffen; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Fraud-Detection im Gesundheitswesen: Data-Mining zur Aufdeckung von Abrechnungsbetrug.. In: HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Jg. 54 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 146-155. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Bertram, Matthias; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: Software product customization: Resources and capabilities that drive use and exchange value. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Dublin, Ireland 2016. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario: Frontline employees’ participation in service innovation implementation: The role of perceived external reputation. In: European Management Journal, Jg. 34 (2016) Nr. 5, S. 540-549. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Homscheid, Dirk; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Staab, Steffen: Firm-sponsored developers in open source software projects: A social capital perspective. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Istanbul, Turkey 2016. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Höber, Björn; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: Work environment perceptions as determinants of affective commitment and participation in corporate innovation contests.. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Istanbul, Turkey 2016. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Homscheid, Dirk; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Between Organization and Community: Investigating Turnover Intention Factors of Firm-Sponsored Open Source Software Developers. In: ACM Web Science Conference. Hannover, Germany 2016. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Könsgen, Raoul; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Key Performance Indicators für Software as a Service. In: HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Jg. 53 (2016) Nr. 5, S. 662-673. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Walsh, Gianfranco; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: Employees’ company reputation-related social media competence: Scale development and validation. In: Journal of Interactive Marketing, Jg. 19 (2016), S. 46-59. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Walsh, Gianfranco; Dahling, Jason; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Brach, Simon: Surface Acting Outcomes Among Service Employees with Two Jobs: Investigating Moderation and Mediation Effects. In: Journal of Service Management, Jg. 27 (2016) Nr. 4, S. 534-562. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Walsh, Gianfranco; Evanschitzky, Heiner; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walgenbach, Peter: Service productivity: What stops service firms from measuring it?. In: Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change, Jg. 13 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 5-25. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Ivens, Stefan; Walsh, Gianfranco; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Does Being Reputable Drive Customer Equity? Evidence from E-Commerce. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Fort Worth, TX 2015. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Bertram, Matthias; Walsh, Gianfranco; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: Customer Knowledge and Requirements Engineering in Customization Projects: A Multi-Method Case Study.. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Fort Worth, TX 2015. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Ivens, Stefan; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Does reputable employee behavior in social networks affect customers’ trust and word of mouth? An experimental study. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Münster 2015. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Homscheid, Dirk; Kunegis, Jerome; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Private-Collective Innovation and Open Source Software: Longitudinal Insights from Linux Kernel Development. In: Open and Big Data Management and Innovation, Lecture Notes Computer Sciences (LNCS). Delft, The Netherlands 2015. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Homscheid, Dirk; Kilian, Thomas; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Offen versus geschlossen - Welchen Zusammenhang gibt es zwischen Apple iOS- und Android-App-Entwicklern?. In: Proceedings der Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2015). Osnabrück 2015. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walsh, Gianfranco; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: How Do Firms Control Open Source Software Communities? A Framework and Empirical Analysis of Different Governance Modes. In: Information and Organization, Jg. 25 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 99-114. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walsh, Gianfranco; Ivens, Stefan: Perceived External Reputation as a Driver of Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Replication and Extension. In: Corporate Reputation Review, Jg. 18 (2015) Nr. 4, S. 314-336. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: Firms’ Resource Deployment and Project Leadership in Open Source Software Development. In: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Jg. 12 (2015) Nr. 1. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walsh, Gianfranco; Bertram, Matthias; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: Customer-Induced Interactions and Innovation in Professional Services: The Case of Software Customization. In: International Journal of Innovation Management, Jg. 19 (2015) Nr. 2. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Walsh, Gianfranco; Möhring, Michael; Koot, Christian; Schaarschmidt, Mario: Preventive Product Returns Management Systems - A Review and Model. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Tel Aviv, Israel 2014. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Kilian, Thomas: Impediments to Customer Integration into the Innovation Process: A Case Study in the Telecommunications Industry. In: European Management Journal, Jg. 32 (2014) Nr. 2, S. 350-361. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: Examining Investment Strategies of Venture Capitalists in Open Source Software. In: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Jg. 19 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 1-19. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Von Kortzfleisch, Harald; Walsh, Gianfranco; Loos, Peter; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Kutsch, Horst; Fettke, Peter (Hrsg.): Produktivität von Customization Services: Messung, Bewertung und Steuerung am Beispiel industrieller Dienstleistungen, EUL Verlag, Lohmar 2014. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walsh, Gianfranco; MacCormack, Alan; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: A Problem-Solving Perspective on Governance and Product Design in Open Source Software Projects: Conceptual Issues and Exploratory Evidence. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Mailand, Italien 2013. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Walsh, Gianfranco; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: How Do Firms Control Open Source Software Communities? An Empirical Analysis Based on Different Governance Modes. In: Academy of Management Annual Conference. Boston, MA 2012. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Lindermann, Nadine; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: Participation and control in online communities: Comparing three cases of user involvement in service networks. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Barcelona, Spain 2012. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Kilian, Thomas: Peripheral Motivation and Creativity in Controlled Platforms: An Analysis Based on Facebook and iPhone Application Developers.. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Barcelona, Spain 2012. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Bertram, Matthias; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: Customization of Product Software: Insight from an Extensive IS Literature Review. In: Shaping the Future of ICT Research. Methods and Approaches: IFIP WG 8.2, Working Conference. Tampa, FL 2012. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Walsh, Gianfranco; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: Harnessing Free External Resources: Evidence from the Open Source Field. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Orlando, FL 2012. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Bertram, Matthias; Zerwas, Dorothee; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: Kommerzialisierungsansätze in Open-Source-Software Projekten. In: HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Jg. 283 (2012), S. 6-16. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald; Valcarcel, Sylvia; Lindermann, Nadine: Web 2.0 Enabled Employee Collaboration in SME Networks: A CEO’s Perspective.. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Helsinki, Finland 2011. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Bertram, Matthias; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: Exposing Differences of Governance Approaches in Single and Multi Vendor Open Source Software Development. In: IFIP International Working Conference on Governance and Sustainability in Information Systems. Hamburg 2011, S. 16-28. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Von Kortzfleisch, Harald; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Magin, Philipp: Open Scientific Entrepreneurship. In: International Journal of Open Source Software & Processes, Jg. 2 (2010) Nr. 4, S. 48-66. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Schaarschmidt, Mario; Von Kortzfleisch, Harald: Divide et Impera! The Role of Firms in Large Open Source Software Consortia. In: Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). San Francisco, CA 2009. BIB DownloadDetails


Regelmäßige Gutachten für:



Journale (Auswahl):

- Journal of Strategic Information Systems
- European Journal of Information Systems
- Journal of Product Innovation Management
- Journal of Service Research
- Journal of Business Research
- Psychology & Marketing
- British Journal of Management

Konferenzen (Auswahl):

- International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
- European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
- Academy of Management Conference (AOM)
- European Academy of Management (EURAM)

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Mitglied im Fakultätsrat Fakultät Informatik

Mitglied im Prüfungsausschuss Wirtschaftsinformatik