Do., 28. Nov. 2013 Jendrian, Simon
Research paper on the role that innovations play in IT and management consulting firms accepted for the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2014
We are proud to announce that the paper "Do Management and IT Consulting Firms Generate Different Types of Innovations? An Activity Analysis" authored by Dr. Andreas Drechsler, Phillipp Dörr, Christoph Corten, and Yasmina Hadouyat was accepted for presentation and publication in the proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2014 (MKWI) in Paderborn, Germany. Held bi-annually, the MKWI is the largest conference for the German-speaking IS community and in 2014 this will take place from February 26-28. Further information about this conference can be found at: http://www.mkwi2014.de/ Abstract: In this paper, the activities of IT consulting (ITC) and management consulting (MC) firms in Germany are analyzed with regard to the different types of innovations they generate and provide for their clients. Their consulting services – as presented on their websites – are classified according to three categories: “definition” (= delivering conceptual innovations), “implementation” (= delivering actual innovations), and “operation” (= delivering no innovations). In addition, the paper compares the current figures with those of 2002. It shows that ITC and MC firms place an almost equal emphasis on delivering actual innovations for their clients. While MC firms are found to place a higher emphasis on conceptual innovations, ITC firms are found to offer a higher percentage of operation-related services. Their distribution of activities has remained basically unchanged since 2002, while MC firms have seen a shift towards the delivery of actual innovations.
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