So., 18. Aug. 2013 Jendrian, Simon
Prof. Ahlemann invited to be a reviewer for the ICIS 2013
Recently, Prof. Frederik Ahlemann accepted an invitation to act as a reviewer for the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2013, which is the leading conference in the IS discipline. It takes place will occur from December 15 to 18 at the Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Further information on the ICIS and its tracks is offered on the official website.
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- Join our team! Chair for Information Systems and Strategic IT-Management requires one Student Assistant for supporting is:link18.11.24
- Call for Papers: 17th Science Forum Mobility on May 15th 202529.10.24
- Successfully completed: "Duisport Community: development and expansion of innovative stakeholder management” 28.10.24
- Good evaluation results for the course "IT Project Management" in the summer semester 202428.10.24
- Opening Ruhr Symposium 2024 on AI for Functional Materials22.10.24
- Ulrich Frank erhält Auszeichnung für einflussreichsten Zeitschriftenaufsatz01.10.24