
 Mi, 30. Apr. 2014   Jendrian, Simon

IS:link information event on May 5

The IS:link team invites all interested students to the IS:link information event on May 5. The event is mandatory for first semester information systems master students. Besides the introduction to the IS:link network and the application process. we will try to answer all questions on all relevant topics (e.g., the organization, financing, etc.). We are also glad to announce the participation of several IS:link alumni, who will present their guest university and share their experiences of their studies abroad. Students will also have the chance to directly pose their questions to the alumni. The information event will take place on May 5 from 16:00h to approximately 18:00h in R09 R01 H02. Please confirm your attendance by e-mailing us at: is-link (at) uni-due.de