Mo., 10. Juni 2024 Thoene, Reinhard
Guest Lecture on Data Integration at Capgemini
We are pleased to welcome a guest to our chair on 11 June as part of the lecture "Integration of Business Information Systems". An applications consultant and a business enterprise architect from Capgemini will talk about topics related to data integration.
Akash Pandey & Johannes Herwig: Data Integration at Capgemini
Abstract (provided by the guest lecturers):
"We will cover different strategies, methodologies and benefits about Data Integration (DI). Furthermore we will give insights into some business cases and how DI works. To challenge the students, we’ll conclude the presentation with a small use case where you can share your perspective and thoughts on these topics."
Place: R09 R04 H02
Time: Tu 11.06.2024 16:00 Uhr
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