
Vorlesung (E-Learning)
Concepts of Web Engineering (CWE)
- Lecturer:
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker
- Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. J. Peter M. Schuler
- Contact:
- Term:
- Summer Semester 2024
- Cycle:
- Wintersemester
- Time:
- 08.02.24 10:15-11:45
- Room:
- R09 R04 H02 und Zoom
- Language:
- English
- Moodle:
- Lecture in Moodle
- LSF:
- Lecture in LSF
- Participants:
- Linked Lectures:
Important Notes:
Diese Veranstaltung wird in diesem Semester letztmalig angeboten.
Es gibt eine Auftaktveranstaltung zum Modul Web Engineering (CWE und ACWE) am Mo 08.04.2024, 10:15 bis 11:45 in R09 R04 H02. Diese Auftaktveranstaltung wird parallel per Zoom gestreamed und als Aufzeichnung in Moodle bereitgestellt. Zugangsdaten zu Zoom und Moodle finden sich unten unter Material.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie CWE und ACWE erfolgreich abschließen müssen, damit das Modul für Ihren Studiengang angerechnet werden kann.
Learning Targets:
The aim is teaching concepts in the context of Web Engineering. In Detail this is not about specific methods, but rather how technologies interact and how to chose the proper technology
In addition to the technological aspects the historical and social development of the web as a medium will be discussed as well as economic implications of this.
Students finishing ths course will be enabled to analyse new trends in web and web engineering, to contextualize them and argue their fit for specific applications.
- Part 1: The Need for Websites
- Track 1.1: Web x.y
- history, present, future
- principles
- social and political relevance
- Track 1.2: Strategic Planing
- definition of key objectives for a website
- Webprojekte
- life-cycle-management
- Usability and Design
- Track 1.3: Intranet and Extranet Portals
- (dis)connected networks
- requirements
- Track 1.1: Web x.y
- Part 2: The Environment for Websites
- Track 2.1: Client Technologies
- browsers and hardware
- Mobile clients
- webpages and webservices
- Track 2.2: Server Technologies
- Track 2.3: Integration Concepts
- communication with other systems
- Track 2.4: Web-Content-Management-Systems
- Track 2.1: Client Technologies
- Part 3: The Alternative View upon Websites
- Track 3.1: Accessibility
- why care?
- how to measure accessibility
- Track 3.2: Search Engine Optimization
- of course we care – do we?
- sense and necessity of search ranks
- Track 3.3: Making Money
- generating products
- marketing and advertising
- Track 3.1: Accessibility
- Part 4: The Problem of Websites
- Track 4.1: Ensuring Data Availability
- Backups
- Scaling of Systems
- Track 4.2: Securing Data from Others
- authorization and obfuscation
- session hijacking, XSS, SQL injections, etc
- Track 4.3: Exam Preperation
- Track 4.1: Ensuring Data Availability
All lecture material will be available via Moodle, for access see formalities.
Methods of Assessment:
Diese Veranstaltung wird dieses Semester als E-Learning Einheit angeboten, um Studierenden einen Abschluss des Moduls zu ermöglichen. Eine Auftaktveranstaltung (Präsenz+Zoom+Aufzeichnung) findet statt um Rückfragen zu klären.
- The course material is only available to a restricted user group. You are either not logged in or not in the usergroup.