Seminar papers

The seminar paper offers a means for, both bachelor's and master's students to acquire competencies for scientific work. Students are given the opportunity to address scientifically interesting questions and be awarded 6 ECTS. The chairs of Business Information Systems offer suggestions for topics, but students can also work on their own topic. In addition to technical skills, which include not only clean formatting but also careful literary work, you will first learn to structure, prepare, and critically question topics that appear complex at first sight. This is a qualification that is not only important for your final thesis, but it will also allow you to act confidently in complex situations in your later professional life.

Students of Business Information Systems can choose from a wide range of topics and profit from the support of our academic staff with the WISEM process. The WISEM process is used to coordinate and offer topics as well as dates and introductory events across multiple chairs. The following explanations refer to chairs that participate in WISEM, which are the research groups of Prof. Ahlemann (SITM), Prof. Eicker (SOFTEC), Prof. Nadj (AI), Prof. Plattfaut (TM), Prof. Rothe (SUST), Prof. Schaarschmidt (APP), and Prof. Schütte (IIS). If you want to write your seminar paper with another research group that is not part of WISEM, the module descriptions for Bachelor's and Master's students provide an overview of all chairs that offer the option of writing seminar papers. For these alternative offers, please refer to the web sites of the respective chairs for further information.

The WISEM process at a glance

The seminar work process via WISEM is divided into four areas: application, pre-seminar phase, main seminar/ work phase and submission. Learn more about the areas and the course of the WISEM process.

Topic proposals and application

Get an insight into the proposed topics of the WISEM chairs and the process of application, that is possible at the beginning of each semester.

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Pre-Seminar & Main-Seminar Phase

After a successful application, you will receive individual support from a research assistant or professor during the pre-seminar and main-seminar work phase. You will learn the basics of scientific work in the pre-seminar phase in lectures and workshops, which are offered directly at the beginning of the work phase. Please note that you have to successfully finish the pre-seminar phase to further participate in the main seminar.

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Submission and presentation

Before you hand in your written work, there is an oral presentation of the seminar topics that takes place a few weeks before the deadline together with all seminar participants in a day event. By presenting your topic, you will receive feedback that you can incorporate into your seminar paper before submission.

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Dates and Deadlines

Schedule SS24 and WS24

EventDate for SS24Date for WS24/25
Application Phase
 Publication of SeminarthemenMon, 01.04.2024Tue, 01.10.2024
 Application deadline for seminar participationSun, 07.04.2024, 23:59 o'clockSun, 13.10.2024, 23:59 o'clock
 Notification of seminar acceptanceFri, 12.04.2024Fri, 18.10.2024
Pre-Seminar Phase
Introductory session "Academic work"Thu, 18.04.2024, 18:00 o'clockThu, 07.11.2024, 18:00 o'clock
Workshop "Academic work"Fri, 19.04.2024, 09:00 o'clockFri, 08.11.2024, 10:00 o'clock
 Written confirmation of topic acceptance & Submission of exposéSun, 05.05.2024, 23:59 o'clockSun, 10.11.2024, 23:59 o'clock
Main Seminar, Presentation, Submission
Session "Introduction to presentation skills"Fri, 14.06.2024 09:00 o'clockTBA
 Oral presentations
(individual sessions per research group)
APP:Bachelor: 20.06.2024; Master: 09.07.202416.01.2025
IIS:05.07.2024Bachelor: 17.01.2025; Master: 16.01.2025
SITM:Bachelor: 24.06.2024; Master: 27.06.2024Bachelor: 14.01.2025; Master: 16.01.2025
SUST:24.06.2024 - 25.06.202415.01.2025 - 16.01.2025
TM:Bachelor: 28.06.2024; Master: 27.06.2024Bachelor: 15.01.2025; Master: 16.01.2025
 Submission deadline for seminar thesesSun, 21.07.2024, 23:59 o'clockSun, 02.02.2025, 23:59 o'clock

Frequently asked questions

Any more questions?

Perhaps you will find the answer to your question in our FAQ. If you do not find what you are looking for there, you are welcome to contact one of our contact persons with your request.

Go to FAQ

For general questions around the WISEM process

Leonardo Banh is the main responsible contact for the WISEM process, especially the application process. He will be happy to answer any organizational questions you may have.

Koordination WISEM

Leonardo Banh

Koordination WISEM

Leonardo Banh, M. Sc.

+49 201 18-34023