Winter semester 18/19

Below you will find an overview of the courses offered in our subject area in the current semester. You can use the free text search to restrict the list according to bachelor's or master's degree courses and other criteria. For more detailed information, please also refer to the websites of seminar papers, projects, and final theses.
Courses of previous semesters:
(Language: English) Tutorial
Academic Writing and Reviewing (MSc)
- Di. 14:15-15:45
- R09 R04 H02
- Anna Yuliarti Khodijah, M.Sc.
- Ruben Franz, M.Sc.

(Language: English) Vorlesung mit Übung
Advanced Topics in Information Systems 1 (ATIS1)
- Mi, 08:00 Uhr
- R09 R04 H19
- Dr. Monika Kaczmarek-Heß

(Language: German/English) Casestudy
Applied Concepts of Web Engineering (ACWE)
(Language: German) Bachelorprojekt / Masterprojekt
Bachelor- und Master-Projekt "Wirtschaftsinformatik und Softwaretechnik" (PRO)
- 09.10.2019 11:00-12:00 Uhr
- R09 R01 H02
- Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. J. Peter M. Schuler
- Robert Woroch, M. Sc.

(Language: German/English) Projekte
Bachelor- und Masterprojekte
(Language: English) Vorlesung (Blended Learning/Blockveranstaltung)
Concepts of Web Engineering (CWE)
- Do. 12:15-13:45
- R09 R04 H02
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker
- Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. J. Peter M. Schuler

(Language: German) Vorlesung
- Mo, 10:00 Uhr & Mi, 14:00 Uhr
- S05 T00 B83 (Mo) & S05 T00 B71 (Mi)
(Language: German) Übung
Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik (EWI UEB)
- Do 10:15-11:45 Uhr
- S04 T01 A01
- Dr. Gero Strobel
- Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. J. Peter M. Schuler
- Robert Woroch, M. Sc.

(Language: German) Vorlesung
Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik (EWI)
- Mi 14:15-15:45
- R14 R00 A04 (neues Audimax)
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker

(Language: German) Vorlesung mit integrierter Übung - 50% Präsenzlehre
Fortgeschrittene Programmierkonzepte (FPK)
- Montags 16:00 - 17:30 Uhr + 2 SWS Selbststudium
- R09 R04 H02
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker
- Tobias Brogt, M. Sc.
- Robert Woroch, M. Sc.

(Language: English) Vorlesung
Integration of Business Information Systems 2 (Lecture) (IBIS2-TG)
- Mi, 14:00 Uhr
- R09 R04 H02
- Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank

(Language: English) Übung
Integration of Business Information Systems 2 (Tutorial) (IBIS2-PA)
- Di, 18:00 Uhr
- R09 R04 H02
- Alexander Bock, M. Sc.

(Language: English) Project Seminar
IS Project
(Language: English) Lecture
IS Research Fundamentals (MSc)
- Di. 10:15-11:45
- R09 R04 H02
- Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann
- Anna Yuliarti Khodijah, M.Sc.
- Ruben Franz, M.Sc.

(Language: German) Tutorial
IT Management
- Do. 12:15-13:45
- S07S - S07 S00 D07
- Dr. Erik Karger
- Helge Alsdorf, Dr.

(Language: German) Lecture
- Mi. 12:15-13:45
- S05 T00 B32
- Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann
- Dr. Erik Karger
- Helge Alsdorf, Dr.

(Language: German/English) Kolloquium
Kolloquium (B.Sc./M.Sc.)
- nach Vereinbarung
- R09 R04 H19
- Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank
- Dr. Monika Kaczmarek-Heß
- Alexander Bock, M. Sc.
- Mario Nolte, M. Sc.

(Language: German) Master - Übung
Management of Large Enterprise Systems (MLES)
- Montag 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr
- R09 R03 H02
- Dr. Marek Hütsch, M. Sc.

(Language: German) Master - Vorlesung
Management of Large Enterprise Systems (MLES)
- Donnerstag 10 - 12 Uhr
- R09 R04 H02
- Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schütte

(Language: English) Tutorial
Organizational Behavior - Verhalten in Organisationen (BSc)
- Do. 12:15 – 13:45
- S05 T00 B59
- Anna Yuliarti Khodijah, M.Sc.

(Language: English) Lecture
Organizational Behavior - Verhalten in Organisationen (BSc)
- Mi. 10:15 – 11:45
- S05 T00 B59
- Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann
- Anna Yuliarti Khodijah, M.Sc.

(Language: German) Master - Übung
Retail Enterprise Systems (RES)
- Donnerstag 14 - 16 Uhr
- R09 R04 H02
- Dr. Tobias Wulfert

(Language: German) Master - Vorlesung
Retail Enterprise Systems (RES)
- Mittwoch 16 - 18 Uhr
- R09 R04 H02
- Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schütte

(Language: German/English) Seminar
Seminar Wirtschaftsinformatik und Softwaretechnik (SEM)
(Language: German) Übung
Unternehmensmodellierung 1 (Übung) (UMO1-PA)
- Di, 16:00
- R14 R02 B07
- Dr. Monika Kaczmarek-Heß
- Alexander Bock, M. Sc.
- Mario Nolte, M. Sc.

(Language: German) Vorlesung
Unternehmensmodellierung 1 (Vorlesung) (UMO1-TG)
- Do, 16:00
- R14 R02 B07
- Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank