
Academic Staff
Dr. Christina Strauss
- Working Group:
- IIS/Schütte
- Room:
- R09 R03 H16
- Email:
- christina.strauss (at)
- Social Media:
- Author Profiles:
- Google Scholar
- ResearchGate
Ich bin seit November 2024 Postdoktorandin am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und integrierte Informationssysteme von Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schütte. Mein Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz, wobei ich mich insbesondere mit der Akzeptanz und Wirtschaftlichkeit von KI-Systemen beschäftige. Im Fokus meiner Forschung steht die Untersuchung von Erfolgsfaktoren für die Implementation und nachhaltige Nutzung von KI-Lösungen sowie deren ökonomische Bewertung.
Curriculum Vitae:
Professional Experience:
Since October 2023: Co-Founder & CEO of Strauss MindTech GmbH - Upskilling humans in times of digital transformation and artificial intelligence (executive education)
December 2020 – June 2023: Research assistant at the Chair of Business Administration and Information Systems, especially Digital Business and Digital Entrepreneurship
- research & teaching focus: digital transformation, communication & leadership
June 2021 – June 2023: Lecturer in executive education on digital leadership & management at netSTART GmbH
November 2019 – September 2020: Student assistant at the Reinhard Mohn Institute of Management (RMI)
- topics: leadership, management, organizational dynamics
May 2019 – September 2020: Working student in research at GmbH
- topics: learning in times of ditigital transformation, creating digital learning solutions
July 2023 – July 2024: External PhD student at Witten/Herdecke University
- topic: Psychological aspects of digital communication
- supervisors: Prof. Arist von Schlippe, Prof. Torsten Pieper, Prof. Franz Kellermanns
December 2020 – June 2023: PhD student at the chair of Business Administration and Information Systems
- focus: Digital Business and Digital Entrepreneurship
October 2019 – September 2020: M.Sc. student at Witten/Herdecke University
- M.Sc. Strategy & Organization
October 2017 – September 2019: B.Sc. Student at Witten/Herdecke University
- B.Sc. Management
April 2015 – March 2018: B.Sc. student at Witten/Herdecke University
- B.Sc. Psychology and Clinical Psychotherapy
Fields of Research:
- Digital Communication
- Digital Resilience
- Conflict & Escalation
- Small Business and Family Firms
- Strauss, Christina; Harr, Michael Dominic; Pieper, Torsten M.: Analyzing digital communication: a comprehensive literature review. In: Management Review Quarterly (2024). doi:10.1007/s11301-024-00455-8PDFFull textCitationAbstractDetails
Digital communication has become an essential part of both personal and professional contexts. However, unique characteristics of digital communication—such as lacking non-verbal cues or time asynchrony—clearly distinguish this new form of communication from traditional face-to-face communication. These differences raise questions about the transferability of previous findings on traditional communication to the digital communication context and emphasize the need for specialized research. To support and guide research on the analysis of digital communication, we conducted a systematic literature review encompassing 84 publications on digital communication in leading journals. By doing so, we provide an overview of the current body of research. Thereby, we focus on distinct fields of communication, methods used to collect and analyze digital communication data, as well as common methodological limitations. Building on these insights, we derive a series of comprehensive guidelines from five distinct areas for the collection and analysis of digital communication that can guide future research and organizational practice.
- Strauss, Christina; Harr, Michael Dominic; Schütte, Reinhard; Wimmer, Simon: "Hey Siri, Don't Make Me Mad" - Overcomming User Annoyances With Voice Assistants. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (2024). PDFFull textCitationAbstractDetails
This study examines the effects of integrating a technically advanced and more human-like large language model into a voice assistant to assess, how technical advancements mitigate user annoyances. Therefore, a generative pre-trained transformer was integrated into Siri and made available to 23 interview participants. Preliminary results reveal a decrease in user-reported annoyances, showing that the integration not only improves technical accuracy but also enhances the perceived humanness of interactions. However, subsequent interviews indicated that the distinction between the effects of technical advancements and the infusion of humanness emerged as critical, indicating a complex interplay between these factors. It is therefore planned to differentiate between technical and human improvements in the further development of this article. The results contribute to the discourse on optimizing voice assistants by pinpointing the reduction of user annoyances as a pivotal factor in improving user experience, suggesting pathways for future enhancements in voice assistant platforms.