Wed, 09. Oct 2024 Korn, Falco
Opening Ceremony of the Faculty of Computer Science
On October 8, 2024, the Faculty of Computer Science celebrated its official opening with a diverse program featuring live music, slam poetry, and an engaging panel discussion. The event attracted numerous students, faculty members, and guests, offering an inspiring glimpse into the future of computer science.
Prof. Frederik Ahlemann was part of the panel discussion on future topics in computer science. Other participants included Dean Prof. Dr.-Ing. Torben Weis, student Katharina Braasch, Prof. Dr. Stefan Schneegass, and Dr. Jessica Szczuka. Together, they discussed current trends and future challenges in the field, such as artificial intelligence, data protection, and the societal responsibilities of technology.
The artistic contributions of live music and slam poetry created a lively atmosphere and stimulated thoughtful reflection. These performances underscored the essential connection between technology and creativity for the future of computer science.
Note: Photos of the event were provided by Fotoagentur Roth.
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